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PCE Club - Summary of the 4th Annual Conference


Co-organized by PCE Club and Duowei.

PCE and Duowei successfully organized the 4th annual conference on September 8, 2007, (Saturday afternoon) at Clarion Hotel, Edison, NJ.

The conference�s theme is �leveraging the strength of diversity: cultural adaptation and mental growth of immigrant children�. PCE invited Professor Yiping Wang to present the keynote speech �Becoming American: Maintaining Strong Asian Identity For the 21st Century Global Society�. Professor Wang is the professor of Rutgers University and her research focuses on the early childhood education. During the keynote speech, professor Wang discussed two dimensions of psychological adjustments: ethnic recognition and acculturation. Regarding the components of self recognition, professor Wang explained the different functions of Ethnic component, Cognitive component, and Behavioral component. She also brought out various solutions for children to handle psychological problems when they face cultural conflicts and racial prejudice. At the end of the speech Professor Wang discussed parental challenges, coping skills to prejudice, and the impact of self affirmation and self esteem towards the healthy development of immigrant children.

During the second session, Bonnie Liao and Linda Fu co-moderated the fishbowl discussion. PCE invited three teenagers: Wendy Wang, Convey Yao and Tom Wang to share their personal experience and stories. The open discussion of this session made the audience get a clear picture about children�s introspective thoughts. Bonnie concluded that the appropriate communication between parents and children is very important to help children adjust the attitude and reestablish the self-confidence when they are confronted with cultural conflicts, misunderstanding, and racial prejudice.

The last but not the least important session: Panel discussion, moderated by Yin Long, was composed of seven panelists: Dr. Aijuan Wang, Attorney Raymond Wong, Ms. Yuping Wang, Professor Yiping Wang, Linda Fu, Bonnie Liao, and Sunny Wang. They used their personal and working experience as examples to explore the effective ways to educate parents and children on how to positively face the cultural conflicts, injustice, failure, and prejudice.

PCE Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the keynote speaker, panelists, moderators and sponsors.


2007年9月8日下午在Clarion Hotel 举办的父母亲子女教育俱乐部(PCE Club)第四届年会针对前不久在VirgiTech发生的校园惨案,对亚裔族家庭子女心理教育问题进行了热烈的讨论 。整个会议从下午1:15开始,首先邀请Rutgers大学教授Yiping Wang 进行一个半小时的主题演讲,主题为: Becoming American: Maintaining Strong Asian Identity for the 21st Century Global Society。王教授讲述了在21世纪全球化社会中,亚裔对不同文化的适应以及对自我意识的调整。她阐述了自我肯定和自信心对心理健康的重要性,她也提到心理调整的三大因素:族裔特征,认知特征以及行为特征等。王教授的演讲结合了生动实例和具体理论,让在场的听众受益匪浅,学到不少帮助子女建立健康心理的方法。在演讲的Q&A部分,新州著名作家红墙向王教授以及所有听众提出了�什么是心理健康的定义?�这个有挑战性的问题,给在场的听众留下思考的空间。

在年会的第二部分,廖冰女士和Linda Fu共同主持了�实话实说�。这是一个由青少年自己来阐述自我认识和个人经历的节目, Linda Fu, Wendy Wang, Convey Yao and Tom Wang四位teenagers讨论了作为华裔第二代子女在面对文化冲突,种族偏见的负面问题上的自我经历及应对方式。在讨论中,Linda和大家谈到她在上高中时期因面对文化冲突而造成的心理迷惑,以及到大学时期通过和父母诚恳的沟通,最终找到健康心态的调整方法。大家都认同子女和父母之间合理的沟通对培养孩子健康心理是至关重要的。在场的家长们也踊跃提问,听到了孩子们自己的真实想法。

年会的第三部分是由七位来自不同行业的专家来讨论:如何利用多元化文化的优势培养正确的自我认知和健康心理。Panel Discussion由龙吟主持,邀请包括黄晓夫律师、王爱娟医生、廖冰女士、王益平教授、Yuping Wang女士、Linda Fu、以及红墙在内的Panelists同在场父母子女分享他们在自己行业里遇到的子女心理教育的问题,并阐述他们对这个话题的心得。


在年会举行过程中,多维时报主编Linda Niu为本次征文获奖者颁发了Certificate of award。商乐维获得成人组一等奖,Wendy Wang获得少年组征文的大奖。

在会议的最后,PCE现任主席Cindy Yu正式把接力棒交给了Yingting Zhang。任命她为2007-2008年的PCE主席。Cindy回顾了过去几年PCE的活动,并感谢会员的一贯支持。而Yingting也简要介绍协会未来一年的活动,并介绍了目前协会的理事成员和志愿工作人员,她鼓励大家踊跃参加协会未来的活动,介绍更多朋友加入到协会中来,共同学习和分享教育子女的经验和教训。

大会结束后,PCE officers和嘉宾们一同到新泽西中部的虹城餐馆庆祝年会的成功举办。



Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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