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PCE Club - Report on the 39th Monthly Event

2006/11/18 6:30-9:30

Report on the 39th event

Club News 父母子女教育俱乐部于十一月十八日在亚洲文化中心成功举办了第三十九次活动,这是一次别开生面的专题讨论会,主题为�与莎伦画院老师谈孩子学画以及美术在孩子成长中的作用�。新州著名的莎伦画院老师(刘莎伦老师和左萍老师)在百忙中抽出时间来和我们分享孩子学画的特点及她们多年美术教育过程中获得的心得体会和经验。

二十几位家长与两位老师近距离交谈问答互动,场面充满温馨诚挚的气氛。对家长们提出的许多问题,刘老师与左老师都一一给与回答。两位老师都认为培养孩子对画画的兴趣,家长起很大的作用。家长要让孩子觉得画画是一件很开心的事情,是玩,而不是一件苦差事。正如刘老师提到的,画画的主要目的是为了表达,而感觉是表达的关键。孩子在学画画的基本功时,感觉一定要跟上。老师也会对学生重复不厌的强调这些基本的地方。时间久了,老师与学生之间达成了一种默契。即使老师稍微一指点,学生就明白其意思。与学弹钢琴一样,学画画也要化4-5年学生才能掌握好基本功,能自由地表达自己的创作。刘老师还特别指出每个孩子学画的进度不一样。不管怎么样,只要他们坚持,都会达到一个爆发点。这个爆发点非常重要。一旦达到了,将会是个飞越。这对学生的其他方面乃至整个人生都会有很大的影响。两位老师独到的见解,深厚的美术功底以及丰富的教学经验得到了与会者的赞赏。有几位家长一直到讨论会结束后还不忍离去。 俱乐部将于十二月九日举办家庭欢乐夜庆祝活动。请关注下周更详细的通知。活动时间:2006年12月9日,星期六,6:30-10:00pm; 地点: Asian Cultural Center,1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ, 08817。报名费:会员免费,非会员每家$10。欢迎大家报名参加。有兴趣者可在网上注册 The PCE Club's 39th Event proved to be one of the most educational and enlightening programs we've ever had as far as I am concerned. The session took place in the Asian Cultural Center on the evening of November 18, 2006. About 25 parents sitting in circles had a warm and fruitful discussion with Ms Sharron Liu and Ms. Ping Zuo from the famous Sharron Art Center on how to raise artistic children. Attached is the summary in Chinese, fyi. When I first invited Ms. Liu who has always been so busy and seldom accepts invitations for speech, she told me that she would not have a written presentation but had a lot to present from her mind. Sure enough, with various questions from the parents, the answers came out so naturally and smoothly from her clear, artistically intelligent and logically thinking mind. As the moderator, I prepared several questions just to keep the ball rolling. To my surprise, other than my first question serving as an opening remark, I never got another chance to raise all the rest. Both Ms. Liu and Ms. Zuo provided sound and satisfactory replies to all the questions raised. Even by the time the Center should close, some parents were still discussing and reluctant to leave. For your information, here are just a few of the questions and answers: Q: Children were born with imagination. Before they even know how to talk and write, they alreay know how to "draw" - scribbling/doodling. As parents, how do we enourage children to develop interest in drawing? A: Parents should make drawing a fun activity for Children to do. One of her students' parent did a great thing. Every time when she wanted her child to draw, she'd say "Let's play HuaHua (drawing)". So the child considered HuaHua as playing, not as a burden. People need to express, so do the children. Through scribbling and doodling, they are expressing something on their minds. The whole purpose of art is expression. So encourage them to express themselves and appreciate their "art work". Q: For children of age 6 and 9, they are already learning art in their public school. Is it necessary to send them to private art lessons? A: The art programs in the American public schools are very well designed, especially in the elementary schools. They offer many hands-on activities which provoke interests of the students. However, the art programs in high schools have room for improvement. Sending children to private art lessons will enable them to learn art systematically. Just like learning how to play piano, it will take at least 4 or 5 years for a child to learn all the basic skills and freely express themselves through art. Q. My child is 4 years old. If she starts art lessons, should she start with learning techniques or free drawing? A. We should be at a balanced point between creation and techniques. For young children, too much emphasis on techniques would hinder their imagination and will make them lose interest in drawing. However, without teaching basic art skills, their drawings will be just free doodling. So they should learn both. In the course of teaching, we repeat the basic skills all the time. Eventually they are instilled in the students' minds. So my students usually get what I want to say even with a little hint. Coupled with the basic skills learning is the sense of creation and design. One cannot do without the other... There are many others Q&As; however, the message would be too long if I list all of them. Anyway, I felt very useful to understand all the points Ms Liu and Ms Zuo had put forward. I am also now better equipped with ideas and options in helping my younger son further develop his strong interest in art. I would like to thank Ms. Maggie Zhang in particular for her great help at the Registration Desk. Without her support, it would be very hard for me alone to organize this event. I also appreciate Mr. Simon Wang's help in setting up the online registration and generate the registration report for me. Many thanks to all who attended and helped with arranging chairs and cleanup. The PCE Club will hold its 40th event, the end-of-year celebration - Family Night on December 9, 2006. More information will be posted. To learn more about PCE Club, please feel free to sign up for the free emailing list at Or visit us at our website or Thank you, Yingting Zhang On behald of PCE Club Organizers


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

Abstract Building




Parents and Children Education Club


情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2022

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