PCE Club - CAP2010 - 多元智能=全能?
第七届子女教育研讨会暨年会 on 10/09/2010
Opening remark + Keynote speech by Dr. Xiao Lei Wang and her presentation VGs
Duo Wei News report
多元 全能 天份��挖掘孩子的潜能 《多维时报》和父母子女教育俱乐部共同举办第七届年会
多维记者 邹兴睿
10月9日,《多维时报》和父母子女教育俱乐部共同举办了第七届专题子女教育研讨会。今年的主题为�多元智能=全能?�(Understanding Multiple Intelligences, Knowing Yourself),旨在为家长提供�更好理解多元智能,了解你自己,了解孩子。�这样的讨论平台,为到会家长提供了精彩的演讲,并和主讲人及各位专家展开了丰富的讨论。
主讲人王晓蕾(Xiao-lei Wang)1992年从芝加哥大学获得博士学位, 目前在Pace University 任教育学教授。王教授是一位跨学科的学者。她的研究领域很广,涵盖子女教育的文化模式,非语言交流对在家中多种语言习得和发展的影响。
本次专题讨论会上的几位专家,前AT&T的主管David Lu,创办私立学校的廖冰(Bonnie Liao),出版过多部畅销书的作家陈屹(Helen Chen),以及创办个人权利公司的 Loise Kuo Habakus,他们丰富的经历为家长们打开不同的眼界。主持人刘向群为他们各自的经历喝彩,并穿针引线的让他们分别介绍了在不同领域和经历中如何发掘出了各自的能力。
来自上海的David Lu在AT&T做了23年,主管过百余人,同时在音乐领域和教会,以及培养孩子上有很多体悟。Louise说自己是美国长大的华人第二代,从小父母和自己的要求就是要做个乖乖女,好学生,好妻子,好妈妈,从开始做母亲的那一天起,她就发现自己的工作角色完全改变。陈屹表示,从小父母就言传身教�一切要靠你自己。�作为1977届的大学生,又有着非常多的经历,她说那一届只是有着比常人更加执着更加坚持的精神,教育孩子中她也把这些融合其中。为华人熟悉的廖冰,先后任职美林证券,高中教师.等不同职业角色,她在教育上的激情从来没有间断过,创建了英华日校,并积极筹建中英双语私立学校。
本届会长吴建华(Dennis Wu)介绍了父母子女教育俱乐部,以及HASA,多维时报和甘肃万华实业集团等支持者。他表示PCE自成立以來每個月都堅持舉辦活動,提供各種講座,知識問答,戶外活動,提供切磋孩子才藝的舞臺,同時為各位家長建立非常好的咨詢交流平臺。 =============================================================
"多元智能=全能? Understanding Multiple Intelligences, Knowing Yourself" is the theme of the 7th annual Chinese American Parenting [CAP2010] conference.
Since 1983 when Dr. Howard Gardner, a Harvard professor of education developed the concept of �multiple intelligences,� there have been misconceptions about the concept as well as its application in parenting and in classrooms. How can this well-researched concept help parents to help their children achieving their potential?
We are fortunate to have Dr. Xiao-lei Wang (王晓蕾) as the keynote speaker. Dr. Wang received her doctoral degree from the University of Chicago in 1992. She is currently a full professor in the School of Education at Pace University. Dr. Wang was a regular speaker for Voice of America, local, national, and international parents� associations on child and language development. In addition, she is a regular invited reviewer for several academic journals. Dr. Wang is an interdisciplinary scholar. Her research covers a wide range of topics such as cultural parenting styles, effects of nonverbal communication in teaching and learning, multilingual acquisition and development in the home environment, and moral development. Her recent books �Growing up with Three Languages� and �Reading and Writing in the Multilingual Home� (in press) focus on the challenges and strategies of raising children with heritage languages.
Following the keynote speech, Ms. Sandra Liu will moderate a panel discussion focusing on a wide range of practical parenting issues and questions related to this year�s theme.
The distinguished panelists are:
Dr. Bonnie Liao: Educator & entrepreneur, longtime adviser of the PCE Club.
Mr. David Lu: Executive Director of AT&T, founding member and leader of a community Christian church
Ms. Helen Chen: Global Marketing Strategic Planner and Consultant and an acclaimed columnist/author/public speaker. Awarded as one of the 60 most influential Chinese women by 163.com in the series Made in China in 2009.
Dr. Susan Chilvers: Founder & Educational Director of The New School in Holmdel, NJ since 1970
Ms. Louise Kuo Habakus: board-certified health practitioner and co-founder / currently Director of the Center for Personal Rights, Inc.
Conference Logistic:
Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010
Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm; Registration opens at 11:30am; [Childcare is available]
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel-Talmadge Ballroom, 2055 Lincoln Highway (RT 27), Edison, NJ 08817 (732.287.3500)
1:00pm to 2:30pm Keynote speech by Professor Xiao-lei Wang
2:30 to 2:40 BREAK
2:40pm to 5:00pm Panel discussion.
Sponsors: "HASA", "Happy AMJ Enterprise Inc", "Wan Hua Enterprise"The first 100 registered families will receive a copy of "Di Zi Gui" 弟子规 donated by Wan Hua Enterprise [甘肃万华实业集团] in Lan Zhou, China
研讨会时间: 2010年10月9日,星期六1:00 � 5:00pm;
地点: Crowne Plaza Hotel-Talmadge Ballroom, 2055 Lincoln Highway (RT 27), Edison, NJ 08817 (732.287.3500)
费用: The conference is free for paid annual PCE Club members, and $10 per family for non-members to share conference costs. $15/family for on site registration.. 晚餐: $20 (5-12岁儿童$10, 5岁以下儿童免费).
详情请电:Dennis Wu:***-***-6921;张颖婷:***-***-7731;徐明:***-***-2438; 俞心怡:***-***-3130。