PCE Club - 89th Monthly Event
2011/04/30 星期六 7:00-9:00PM
第八十九期活动 - 新型学校
没有家庭作业,没有考试,孩子们竟然孜孜好学! Holmdel 的这所私立学校真是孩子们的天堂。
年轻时的一个创举,让Dr. Susan Chilvers
40年来尽享传道授业解惑之乐,更使无数家庭在这里卸下上下求索的重担,欣喜地看着孩子们自由自在,在尊重互动的环境中成长身心。父母子女教育俱乐部在连续两次�培养孩子的学习和求知兴趣及动力�讲座之后,又请来�The New School of Monmouth County� 的创办人兼校长,Dr. Susan Chilvers,与家长分享她40年教书育人的经历,以及学校桃李满天下的丰盛回报。
时间: 2011年4月30日 星期六 7:00 to 9:00pm (6:45-7:00 为小孩才艺表演时间,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册)。
地点:ACS 阳光教育文化中心[www.acs4usa.org]
地址:168 (原146)US 1, Edison, NJ 08817
主讲人:Dr. Susan Chilvers
www.pceclub.org 费用:会员免费;非会员$10每家庭(场地费用) 联系电话:Sandra Liu ***-***-1901, Angela Chiu ***-***-4544,徐明 ***-***-8007。阳光教育文化中心有各类棋具和乒乓球桌。 大人和孩子各有活动空间,欢迎大家参加。
The New School
No homework, no test or exam, yet the kids still love learning. What a paradise it is for children! The courageous journey of Dr. Susan Chilvers started in 1969. Since the establishing of �The New School of Monmouth County�, Dr. Chilvers and staff have been enjoying �teaching of the love of learning� for 40 years! Today, so many families struggle between �pushing kids to thrive in academic competition� and �allowing kids to learn happily�. At �The New School�, they can finally let go the stress, and simply trust the school to bring out the best of their children. We are honored that Dr. Chilvers will come to �The Parent And Children Education Club� and share her amazing journey as an educator.
When: 7:00pm - 9:00pm, 4/30/2011, Saturday
Where: 168 US 1, Edison , NJ 08817 (Formerly, 146 US1, Edison , NJ 08817 )
Speaker: Dr. Susan Chilvers
Fees: $10 per family (to cover the rent of conference room). Free for PCE club registered members.
Contact: Sandra Liu ***-***-1901, Angela Chiu ***-***-4544,Ming Xu ***-***-8007