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PCE Club - 81th Monthly Event

2010/06/12 星期六 3:00-5:30PM

PCE will conduct its 81th event on "communicate with children" program in NJCCC.
父母子女教育俱乐非常荣幸能请来有多年丰富子女教育孟桦(孟雨晴的父亲)来跟大 家讨论,并与大家交流、分享和座谈家庭教育和亲子关系相关话题。孟桦想谈、可 谈、愿谈、该谈的话题很多,这次他将话题放在与子女的沟通方面,就五个话题如 下与大家交流、分享、座谈:
* 代沟是否存在?
* 两代人沟通交流的障碍主要来自于哪一方?
* 孩子在哪个年龄段最好沟通、最难沟通?
* 家教应从何处、何人、何时开始?
* 与孩子建立健康的交流沟通的意义、价值和方法

时间: 2010年6月12日 星期六 3:00 to 5:30pm
地点:17 Schoolhouse Road, Somerset, New Jersey 08873
[Main entrance is facing the large parking lot with some visible school bus in the lot]
New Jersey Chinese Community Center 新泽西州华人活动中心
请到www.pceclub.org网上注册家长讲座.疑问请电***-***-9796 俞心怡
We are in great pleasure to invite Henry Meng to share his child education experience. [His son, Damon, attended the prestigious Julliard school pre-college Division before entering college for many years and is just completed his first year in Harvard.] Henry will share his experience as parent who joggling between demanding work and son's heavy training schedule.

We often hear from mother side of story. This is great opportunity for us to hear from father side of experience along with many of communication related issues that we as parents facing regularly. How to overcome the problems and handle issues? Henry will tell us his accumulation of knowledge. Wish you will join us for this unique occasion!

We encourage both parents' participation for the full benefit of the subject. PCE made a special arrangement to have a teacher to take care of younger children to do arts and crafts. At the last event, the teacher did a wonderful job and each child took home a couple of fun projects.

PCE would like to start a public speaking program for the teens while parents are having our own discussion. Our teens can have their own activity. Alex Jia who will lead our teenage program had many good items for the teenage group and having a dedicated room for their activity really help PCE a great deal to offer the teenage program. We hope that you can bring your teenagers so that they themselves can also enjoy this wonderful event.

DATE: 6/12 Saturday
TIME: 3:00 to 5:30pm
LOCATION: 17 Schoolhouse Road, Somerset, New Jersey 08873
[Main entrance is facing the large parking lot with some visible school bus in the lot]
请到 网上注册讲座。
疑问请电***-***-6921 Dennis Wu or ***-***-9796 Cindy Yu
Please visit to register. $10 suggested donation per family for non-member.


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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