PCE Club - 78th Event - 大学费用和入学资金
2010/03/13 星期六 6:45pm-9:30pm
78th Event - 大学费用和入学资金计划
Monthly Events
You are cordially invited to attend Parents, Children and Education (PCE) 78th event on March 13rd, the coming Saturday. This event will discuss the colleague educations costs and share planning experiences of others. The discussion will be led by Allison Zhang and Cindy Yu with the subject of "Preparing for College Funds, Making Education Plan Early".
We welcome experienced and inexperienced parents to attend the session for questions and good practices. We also welcome teenager to learn the college education costs and how it works financially so they can make the financial aid application on their own or help their parents when the action is called.
孩子高等教育学费越来越贵,做为华人父母, 我们应该做些什么准备。父母子女教 育俱乐请来有多年丰富金融会计经验的会计师们来跟大家讨论:
- 最新的 高等教育费用和去向, 私立,公立有什么区别?
- 家长和孩子们要有什么准备,多少钱,多少年?
- 到哪里去找教育资助,是从家庭收入,还是政府资金,怎么找?
父母双收入的家庭,是不是没有机会申请到无息或低息的资助哪?有没有可行的办 法?张艾芝和俞心怡会计师到时会与大家一起探讨。 家长们,这是个给青少年孩子 们作金融理才教育的好机会, 欢迎有兴趣的家长和孩子,报名参加讲座.
时间: 2010年3月13日 星期六 6:45pm ━ 9:30pm
地点: 1 Ethel Road, Suite 108A, Edison, NJ 08817.
[You can find location via Google map and major landmark is the Bank of America at the corner of Talmadge Rd and Ethel Rd, across the street of the Business complex where Xincon is located.]
请到www.pceclub.org网上注册家长讲座.疑问请电***-***-6921 DENNIS WU