PCE Club - 50th Monthly Event
2007/10/13 Saturday
Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence ...
The PCE Club will hold its 50th monthly event on Saturday, October 13 in the Asian Cultural Center
(#1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ 08817). The theme will be "leadership skills and emotional intelligence". Our honored guest speaker will be Mayor Cecilia X Birge (Xie Lan). In November, 2006, Cecilia Xie Birge was reelected as Mayor of the Montgomery Township (pop. 23,500), being "the first Chinese-American female mayor in the history of New Jersey". Born and raised in Beijing, China, she immigrated to the United States in 1990 to complete college after participating in the Tiananmen Square democracy protests.
Mayor Birge is a dynamic elected official with strong leadership skills and a solid professional background as a former bond analyst on Wall Street. As Mayor, She routinely works with both state and local regulatory agencies and local Fortune 500 companies in a range of areas, including: 1) brownfield remediation and redevelopment; 2) international trade and economic relations, focusing particularly on U.S.-China ties for local and regional businesses; 3) environmental and �green� development issues; and 4) financial planning and property tax reforms.
The session will last about 1 hour from 8:00pm-9:00pm, with first half hour devoted to her talk and the 2nd half to Q & A or free discussion. You are all welcome to register online to join us in this exciting and inspirational seminar.
As usual, this monthly event will start with our signature program - kids' talent show. If your child would like to perform, please indicate it in your online registration.
We also have Ms. Zhao to conduct our children's activity program upstairs of the Asian Cultural Center while their parents are in the leadership skills seminar downstairs.
Here is the event agenda:
6:30-7:00pm - Socializing and networking
7:00-7:50pm - Kids' Talent Show
8:00-9:00pm - Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence
9:00-9:30pm - Free Discussion
9:30 - Wrap-up
To learn more about PCE Club, please feel free to sign up for the free emailing list at joinpceclub@pceclub.org or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pce_club/. please visit us at our website www.pceclub.org for more details on the Club's activities.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 50th event.
Yingting Zhang, Jill Ji and Dennis Wu
On behalf of the PCE Club's Volunteering Organizers
当今社会对高情商和领袖才能的要求无处不在。华人以刻苦耐劳著称,可是在公司就职的华人大多都只能位居于中级管理阶层或以下的职位,为什么? 很大程度就在于华人没有从小就受到这方面的培养,只注重于学业方面的成就而忽略了领袖才能与情商的发展,从而导致这两方面能力的匮乏。如今越来越多的家长也意识到培养下一代领袖才能与情商的重要性。父母子女教育俱乐部应广大家长的需求,就这个主题请来了在美华人领袖人物的代表, 原华尔街证券分析员, 现任2年Montgomery 市长的谢兰女士。 谢女士曾就学于北京师范大学, 于1990年来美就读于宾州Bryn Mawr 学院。 1994年她以历史学位毕业,正式进入华尔街金融界,在这个领域工作至2003年。而在2003年她开始进入政界, 并于2006年成功竞选为任Montgomery市长。
谢女士育有4名年幼子女, 最大的5岁,最小的才6个月。 她是怎样做到既事业成功,又平衡了事业与家庭的关系的?她的高情商与领袖能力究竟是怎样培养出来的? 在这次讲座上,谢女士将联系自己的宝贵经验与亲身体与我们分享她成功的体会。 讲座将于晚8时正式开始。前半小时是谢女士的讲解时间,而后半小时则采取问答式,由听众提出问题而谢女士回答。请有意参加活动的家长准备好你们的问题,相信我们一定会满载而归。
值得一提的是,讲座之前的一小时 (7pm - 8pm) 将是为众多家长和小朋友喜爱的 �儿童表演舞台� 时间。 很多家长反映, 这个节目使他们的孩子受益匪浅, 给孩子们提供了一个很好的锻炼平台,增强了孩子的自信心。 孩子们可以在台上表演任何才艺,包括弹钢琴 (现场备有钢琴) ,唱歌, 讲故事/相声, 等等。欲表演者,请从速报名。
活动时间: 2007年10月13日,星期六, 6:30pm - 9:30pm;地点: Asia Cultural Center, 1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ, 08817。报名费:会员免费,非会员每家$10。欢迎大家报名参加。电话联系:季育荣 (Jill Ji) ***-***-3657, 张颖婷 ***-***-7731。欲了解更多有关俱乐部的信息,请参阅俱乐部网站 http://www.pceclub.org/ 或注册我们的免费通讯录 (电邮至 joinpceclub@pceclub.org). (季育荣)