PCE Club - 42nd Monthly Event- Love and Appreciation
2007/02/10 6:45pm-9:30pm
PCE Club will hold its 42nd event on February 10th, 2007, from 6:45pm to 9:30pm, at Asian Cultural Enterprises Center, 1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ 08817. As usual, this event will be composed of two sessions, Parents Discussion and Children program.
The topic for the Parents Discussion would be Teaching Love and Appreciation? We invited Tzu Shao young members and their advisors to give a presentation on: What to do with these teenagers: Perspectives and Practice.
Tzu Shao(Ci Shao) is the abbreviated name of a community-service-based youth group, which is part of a charity organization called Tzu Chi Foundation. Tzu Shao, which may be translated as Compassion Teens, aims to promote humanistic values and community volunteerism in our teenage volunteers and use humanitarian work both as a means to help those in need, and also a way to open the eyes of our young volunteers to the harsher side of life, so that through giving, they may find spiritual happiness and life's true meaning.
随着时代的进步和物质生活的富裕,现代的父母一方面忙着提供孩子们生活上的需求,另一方面却又担心孩子不了解父母挣钱的辛苦,对自己拥有的一切视为理所当然。如何培养孩子的爱和感恩心,启发孩子的孝心和善念,无疑是现代父母的一个重要课题,也是�慈少�的努力目标。 家有青少年(teenager),特别是在美华人第二代的青少年,常常让家长心疼又头疼。心疼是因为大孩子们学业繁重,课外活动骤增,又处于生理心理激烈变化的时期;头疼是因为很难跟他们沟通,从前黏在爸妈身边的小孩子一转眼就不见了,代沟加上�文化沟�,常常让两代人连日常生活的话题都聊不到两句,更别提深度交流,人生经验的传承了。如何让青少年们懂得感恩自己所拥有的,并付出爱心帮助别人,是人生很重要的课题,也是�慈少�的努力目标。 �慈少�(全称:慈济青少年团)是属于慈济基金会的一个志愿团体,其宗旨是提供13至18岁的青少年服务人群,回馈社会的机会,籍此培养团员们知足,感恩,善解,包容的心,以及�关怀社会,尊重生命�的精神。 父母子女教育俱乐部本期的活动将邀请美国慈济基金会新泽西分会的慈少会员们及辅导老师来给我们介绍这个团体的各种的活动,辅导老师们也将分享与青少年相处的心得与经验,欢迎各位家长与大孩子们的参与。 本期的儿童活动将请招小惠老师继续为我们主持。
The kid' talent show starts at 7:00 ?7:45 PM. Here your children will stand up to demonstrate any kinds of talents, play musical instrument, sing a song, tell a story, perform a dance and so on. This part of the program has been so loved by kids and parents in the previous events. Due to the high rate of participation, we would have to use a lottery to select the performers and limit the time of each performer to 3 minutes so that more kids can enjoy the stage time. If you children would like to have a performance, you need to register for them by specifying your children's name and
performance with title when you register to this event.
Registration: by February 8, 2007. Please include the information below in your registration:
Admission Fee:
Free for members, $10 per family for non-members to share the operation cost.
Location and Time:
Asian Cultural Enterprises Center, #1876 Rt.27, Edison, NJ 08817
From 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Family Program:
6:300pm-7:00pm, Registration, networking and social
7:00pm-7:45pm, Children Performance (downstairs)
7:45pm-8:00pm, Break
Education Seminar (downstairs):
8:00pm-9:00pm, Presentation: Teaching Love and Appreciation (downstairs)
9:00pm-9:30pm, Q & A, kids pick up and clean up.
Kids Program (upstairs):
9:10pm, Kids pick up.
No pick up later than 9:10pm please.