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PCE Club - 40th Monthly Event

2006/12/9 6:30-9:30

PCE 40th Event - Family Night - Food, Fun and Prizes Night

Time flies and kids smile for the whole year. How about the parents? They help the children smile and create smiles on themselves. We all know it's our responsibility to give children a hand for a better
tomorrow. Therefore, we invite all of your, open your mind, bring your smile to the 40th PCE Club event on December 9, 2006.

For this event only, there will be a contest program called "Essay, Picture, Poem Wanted for the Flashback of PCE 2006". For kids only, we encourage all kids participate. You can draw picture, write an essay or a poem to reflect their deep touch from our past eleven events. All pre-registered participators will get a certificate. The kids are requested to describe their pictures, essay or poem for why these memories are most meaningful to them at the event.

As usual, we are going to have "on stage" performance for "each family", either kids or whole family members. We encourage every family to participate because it's a family party. Like last year, we have judges to pick up top three.

We will grant 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes during the event by our volunteer judges. There are also raffles for membership registration.

This is a fun pot lock party. Each family needs to have one dish of finger food (meat, veggie. dessert etc.) and a bottle of drink (water, soda, ice tea etc.).

The PCE Club's 40th event will be held on Saturday evening (6:30pm-9:30pm) on Dec. 9.

2006 Asian Culture Enterprises Center, 1876
Rt. 27, Edison, NJ 08817.

6:30pm-6.45pm Sign in
6:45pm-8:00pm Dinner & social time
8:00pm-9:30pm On the stage & fun bonanza
9:30pm - 11:00pm Family Party

Registration: by December 6, 2006

Please indicate your name, address, food, contest title etc.

Location and Time:
Asian Cultural Enterprises Center,
#1876 Rt.27,
Edison, NJ 08817

You deserve a smile. Come to join us. Hope to see you there.

To learn more about PCE Club information, please feel free to sign up for the free emailing list at or

Cindy Yu, Yingting Zhang, Angela Chiu, Tiffany Chen, James Gao
On behalf of the PCE Club's organizers



十二月是大家欢庆节日迎接新年的时候。回顾这即将逝去的又一年,俱乐部取得了不少成就。无论是每月一次的针对家长的主题讲座,还是为孩子们准备的增强情商的系列活动,都办的有声有色。九月份举办的第三届华人子女情商教育研讨会更是令人难忘。这些成绩都值得我们来庆祝。十二月份也是我们俱乐部一年一度的会员更新及欢迎新会员的时候。俱乐部将借此机会组织一次别开生面的�家庭欢乐夜�和2007会员抽奖活动作为我们的第四十期活动。届时将设有potluck, 家庭表演和回顾比赛,以及舞会等。家庭表演形式可以是表演,相声,说书等才艺表演,到时将由自愿当评委的家长来评选出三家表演最佳的家庭。

在这次俱乐部回顾比赛活动中,请孩子们把心目中的回忆跃然纸上- 文章,图画等不拘一格,并与大家到晚会共同分享. 评奖活动到时将在晚会上即时进行.

有兴趣参加的朋友请尽早到www.pceclub.org报名,时间:2006年12月9日6:00-11:00pm; 地点:Asian Cultural Enterprises center,1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ, 08817。欢迎大家报名参加。提前注册 (12/6/2006之前)参与回顾比赛活动者都可得证书. 有兴趣者可电邮至。 或电话联系:Cindy Yu ***-***-9796, Tiffany Chen ***-***-1490。欲了解更多有关俱乐部的信息,请参阅俱乐部网站 或注册我们的免费通讯录可电邮


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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