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PCE Club - 187th Monthly Event

2019/12/14 星期六 6:00pm-8:30pm


2019年12月14日星期六 6:00pm-8:30pm


11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

在刚过的 2019 PCE年会上的"青少年实话实说"上,我们听到咱们的青少年敞开心胸、真实表达他们的所思所想,深受父母欢迎,大家感到意犹未尽。 因此PCE这个月请回其中的两位青少年,Frewin and Michelle, 一个大学刚毕业, 一个大学二年级, 他们愿意分享他们对亚裔身份的认同感,二代亚裔青年在寻找男女朋友上的思考,与父母的矛盾处理,自己的爱好与现实因素的道路探索......。我们鼓励父母带孩子一同来,与Frewin and Michelle 进行互动式的讨论,相信会给家长和孩子都带来很多的启发和思考!

Panelist 简介:
Michelle Fan is a junior at Rutgers University majoring in Cultural Anthropology and minoring in Gender and Media Studies under the Journalism department. Her hobbies include drawing, reading, and learning. She is guided by her passion for social justice and human rights. As a program intern for the Center for Women's Global Leadership, she researches women's human rights violations and measures to address and improve upon these situations. She hopes to dedicate her life to pursuing a just society for all, and she is very excited to be part of this event.

Frewin Hu (胡乐闻) is a concept artist and designer working in the video game and Hollywood film industry. His experience as an Asian American who went into arts and the entertainment field is unique and something he enjoys sharing. His unorthodox background and goals is something he takes great pride in. A big goal of his is to break Asian American male stereotypes and help produce media that changes the narrative that surrounds us.

孩子们有游戏活动、手工制作、画画、KEVA structures等项目。

现场注册: PCE Member free. Non-member $10 per family

时间:2019年12月14日星期六 6:00pm-8:30pm

地址:11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

联系人:Weihong ***-***-2826; Jingshan ***-***-4240.


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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