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PCE Club - 161st Monthly Event





11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

冬雪融尽, 春暖花开,在这个温暖的四月, PCE俱乐部与您相约,大家一起来探讨,如何引导家人和孩子们有效地管理时间。作为子女人生中的第一位启蒙老师,父母们一方面要应对工作和生活带来的各种压力和冲突,另一方面还要帮孩子协调安排各种课外活动的冲突。如何才能使你的工作、生活更富有效率呢?今晚欢迎父母们共同探讨如何在实践中体会,总结并引导孩子们摸索出一条适合自身的时间管理之道。

PCE Club特别邀请了Jess Fong女士来分享探讨经验及心历路程,并从三个方面来讨论什么是有效的时间管理。讲座内容包括 "时间都去哪了"、"如何有效利用时间"以及"如何化解拖延症"。Jess 会为大家进行详细讲解并组织小组讨论进行积极讨论,分享时间管理和专注做事的方法。通过本次讲座,希望可以帮助家长们对于"有效地管理时间"有更加深刻的体会和理解,将学到的方法与自身实际相结合,有效管理时间,不断提高,完善自我以及完善家庭。

如果您家里有类似拖延症的小孩或者家人, 那么期待您能加入我们的交流讨论中来。期望每次的分享,都能帮到您和您的家庭,让您的生活更加和睦幸福!

Jess Fong: an alumnus of EBHS, and a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University with a dual degree in International Studies and Economics. She is currently working at a management consulting firm in Princeton. Throughout her school years, she was very active in a number of activities, including community service, education, writing, and debates (Model UN and We the People competitions). In 2011, her debate team at EBHS won the New Jersey championship in the We the People debate competition. On behalf of New Jersey, they won 3rd place at We the People Nationals competition in Washington D.C. In college, she continued her participation in debate as a Director of the Johns Hopkins University Model United Nations Conference (JHUMUNC). Through these processes, she learned the importance of being able to balance time between her various pursuits, as well as find appropriate time to take care of herself. She is honored to share her experiences and stories with everyone!

Jess Fong 毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学,拥有国际关系和经济学双学位,目前就职于普林斯顿一家咨询公司。高中就读于East Brunswick高中, 她自高中时就非常关注社区服务,人文教育,创新写作以及宪法辩论等领域牺牲大量的业余时间组织举办了多场免费的教育讲座,讲座主题包括如何化解压力,公立学校运作系统,如何提高写作技巧等等。Jess高中时参加学校模拟联合国辩论队,以及We the People 辩论竞赛。2011年,她所在的EB高中We the People 辩论队荣获新泽西州冠军,继而代表新泽西州竞争全美冠军辩论总决赛,荣获全国第三名的卓越成绩。

时间: 2017年4月22日星期六 6点半至9点
6:30-7:00pm: 签到 networking
7:00-9:00pm: 讲座与讨论 (欢迎带孩子参加, 俱乐部有儿童手工,儿童中文电影, 国际象棋,打乒乓球,读书画画会。)

地点: 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816


活动组织者: May Huang, Sandra Liu, Lai Wei,Katie Li,

联系人: Nancy Chen (Tel: ***-***-0868); Min Xu (Tel: ***-***-8007, )


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2023

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