PCE Club - 154th Monthly Event-Bite Your Teeth and Wait for the Blossom of Your Kids
11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Sandra Liu就是这样一位开路先锋。她的大女儿Eileen Huang自去年去白宫领奖后被华人媒体相继采访报道并受邀登上的TEDxTalk讲台。熟悉Sandra的朋友都知道她忙于创业,没时间像大部分妈妈一样地无微不至。PCE广为流传的"咬紧牙根,静等孩子开窍"就是Sandra的名言。在PCE论坛和微信群里,你经常看到Sandra作为典型放手型羊妈的点滴分享和热情点拨。你可以感受到她的育儿方式,随意中带着精心,顺势间透着力导,放手之余是无处不在的引领。
这期月会,我们PCE另一位开路先锋Angela Chiu,Sandra的知己和邻居,将带领大家走近Sandra的生活。让我们一起聆听Sandra在育儿道路上有血有肉的滚摸打爬,体会她走过山穷水尽复见柳暗花明的酸甜苦辣,分享她痛并快乐着地跟孩子一起成长的真实故事。
讲员简介: 刘向群: 毕业于上海交大,在NJIT完成电子工程硕士后,进入电信业成为系统工程师。和先生黄新宇育有三个女儿,居住在Holmdel.
时间: 2016年9月17日星期六,傍晚 6:30点至9点
6:30 - 7:00pm 活动时间: 小孩才艺表演, 欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时.
7:00 - 9:00pm: 讲座与讨论。(有儿童托管, 费用是每家$5. 欢迎您的孩子报名参加各项活动俱乐部包括儿童手工,儿童中文电影, 国际象棋,打乒乓,读书会)
地点: 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
活动组织者: Xiaomei Leng, Wenjuan Zhu, Lavender Lam
联系人:May Huang (***-***-9579, mayhuang97@yahoo.com); Ming Xu (***-***-8007, mingxuhomes@yahoo.com )
The PCE Club presents the 154th Monthly Event:
Bite Your Teeth and Wait for the Blossom of Your Kids
Speaker: Sandra Liu
11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Many of us are very proud of the profound and incomparable impact of PCE club in our community. With a superb scale (over 1000 members) and sound organization structure, PCE club is carried on the wings of many hardworking and devoted volunteers for the past 13 years. Its success is also seeded by the road blazers of PCE who demonstrated prophetic vision and wise leadership that have become a trademark of PCE and a banner of female leadership. Their wisdom anchors PCE's foundation; their vision projects PCE's future.
In many ways, parenting practice and reflection made us a much better/ "wholer" person. Sandra Liu is one such transformative leader and parent. Her oldest daughter Eileen Huang was awarded National Student Poet at White House in 2015. She was profiled by many Chinese media and was invited to give an opening speech at TEDx Navesink this April. For friends who know Sandra well, she is an entrepreneur working around the clock for her teams. If she is incapable of anything, it is giving herself completely to her kids' daily activities. She created a less treaded path far from the tiger mom's hymn. She created a moto that our PCEers are fond of reciting "Bite Your Teeth and Wait for the Blossom of Your Kids". In our Forum and Wechat Groups, Sandra often shares her wimpy parenting stories where she is more willing to let go of a fierce claw for a furry embrace. We are often lifted up by her calm and powerful narrative, sparkled in with a delicious sense of humor. Her parenting style is so different. It's an increasing stream of love, flowing with inspiration and empowerment but completely open for the interference of a force that's calling our soul.
Then, what exactly did she do under her parenting hat as a real human being? You may wonder. Today, we have a special speaker, Angelia Chiu, a neighbor and the strongest ally of Sandra. Angelia will bring that portrait of the journey that Sandra took as a young mom eighteen years ago. Things like how she chose a special school and/or teachers for her kids; how she found out what type of soil is the right environment for her seeds who came without any label; how she managed to focus on her own growth so she can embody the sunshine and the rain drops which all seeds will need to generate their own nutrition; how she avoided losing sights battling over the details as a caregiver, instead aimed at winning the war over Life's utmost rewards. How she dug deep into her soul and experience with a sharpened awareness and brave heart, and created a unique strategy for her own life. How she shared every turns and twists in her own faring journey with kids as the most important gifts. How she relentlessly dissected her own life for a set of core values and principles that open up the skyline of the young hearts and motivated their own yearning for a higher purpose.
This event will be a feast for us who love parenting stories that come with tear stains and even bloodsheds. Let us get lost, together with our over parenting anxiety, in the moments of Sandra's confusion, exhaustion and the savory glaze of hope, recovery and victory. This is a major production of our PCE channel, celebrating a joyous yet piercing drama of "Parenthood". A sitcom produced by PCE, starring Sandra Liu illustrated by Angela Chiu. Enjoy.
About the speaker: Sandra Liu, after graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, obtained master's degree in Electronic Engineering from NJIT, later joined Telecom industry as a system engineer. A resident in Holmdel and raised three daughters with husband Mr. Xingyu Huang.
When: Sept. 17, 2016 Saturday, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
6:30pm - 7:00pm: Children's Talent Show;
7:00pm - 9:00pm: presentation (Childcare available, kids activities include: Arts & Craft, kids movie, Chess club, PingPong club, book club, cost is $5 per family)
Where: Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey, 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family. Courtesy childcare is available
Event Organizer: Xiaomei Leng, Wenjuan Zhu, Lavender Lam
Contact: May Huang (***-***-9579, mayhuang97@yahoo.com); Ming Xu (***-***-8007, mingxuhomes@yahoo.com )