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PCE Club - 151st Monthly Event-Father's role in parenting





11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

在我们PCE club的活动中,参加者以妈妈居多。本次活动我们把目光投向另一半:爸爸们。我们有幸请到了多位爸爸和一位特殊嘉宾,来分享子女教育方面的经历、看法和心得。我们将听到他们独特而有水平的分享。活动还包括情景模拟,希望观众和嘉宾一起参与,达到既活跃又有收获的效果。


时间: 2016年6月11日星期六,傍晚 6:30点至9点
6:30 - 7:00pm 活动时间: 小孩才艺表演, 欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时.
7:00 - 9:00pm: 讲座与讨论。(有儿童托管, 费用是每家$5. 欢迎您的孩子报名参加各项活动俱乐部包括儿童手工,儿童中文电影, 国际象棋,打乒乓,读书会, Lego Club。)

地点: 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816


活动组织者: Hongfang Shen, Jingshan Zhang

Jingshan Zhang (***-***-4240,; Ming Xu (***-***-8007, )


The PCE Club presents the 151th Monthly Event:


Father's role in parenting

11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

PCE club events were dominated by mothers. Let us focus on fathers at this event. Several fathers and a special guest will share their experience, view, and options. We will hear their inspiring conversation. In addition, guests and audience will participate in a contextual interaction section, and will hopefully gain something in an active way.

Whether you are a parent and child education Club's new friends or old friends, clubs are warmly welcome you to participate in this event.

When: June 11, 2016 Saturday, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
6:30pm - 7:00pm: Children's Talent Show;
7:00pm - 9:00pm: presentation (Childcare available, kids activities include: Arts & Craft, kids movie, Chess club, PingPong club, book club, Lego club, Hip Hop dance. cost is $5 per family)

Where: 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family. Courtesy childcare is available

Event Organizer: Hongfang Shen, Jingshan Zhang

Contact: Jingshan Zhang (***-***-4240,; Ming Xu (***-***-8007, )


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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