PCE Club - 150th Monthly Event-Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip
Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip
Jenny Jump State Forest
亲爱的朋友们: 非常感谢您参加本次由父母子女教育俱乐部 ( http://pceclub.org/ ) 以及飞狐华人体育协会( http://flyingfoxcsc.org/ )共同举办的Memorial Day Weekend 露营活动。 本次露营地点安排在Jenny Jump State Forest,这里是新泽西看星星最好的室外场所,有自己的小天文观测站, 周六晚有新泽西天文俱乐部开课介绍天文知识,相信很多大小朋友们都会感兴趣。 这里也是新泽西最佳室外徒步旅行路线之一,有7条徒步路线从0.3英里到6英里不等,适合不同水平的家庭。届时我们会组织家庭分组进行徒步旅行。其他活动包括钓鱼,射猎,划独木舟/皮艇(需自带)等等。周日晚我们会组织烧烤,游戏。
活动组织者: Varilla Yang
The PCE Club presents the 150th Monthly Event:
05/28 - 5/30
Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip
Jenny Jump State Forest
Flying Fox and PCE Club are jointly organizing this Memorial Day Weekend camping. The camp sites, located at Jenny Jump State Forest, have the best outdoor venues and one of the best outdoor hiking trails in New Jersey. The on-site astronomical observatory is among the most popular attractions for both kids and grownups. The activities at the camp include group hiking, fishing, hunting, canoeing / kayak and games. More information about the camping site is available HERE.
Event Organizer: Varilla Yang