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PCE Club - 145th Monthly Event - Financial Intelligence Development for Childr





新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

作为家长,大家都是望子成龙,望女成凤,希望孩子们长大后能够进可安邦治国平天下,退可修身齐家衣食无忧。而要做到这些,除了传统上所认知的IQ(智商)和EQ(情商),家长应从小关心培养子女的FQ - 财商。也就是说,除了督促孩子做功课学知识培养智商,学才艺,参加各种活动,培养情商,家长还需要尽早培养孩子们良好的财务习惯和决策能力,帮助孩子成年后做到经济独立,钱财无忧。

许多家长在自己成长过程中,对财商的养成并没有太多的教育和经验,基本是摸着石头过河。即使部分家长根据自己或朋友的经验来教育培养孩子,但总是有些忐忑,不知道教导得到底是否正确有效,是否把孩子推向正确的方向。 那么,有没有一个系统或者体系,能够在孩子的每一个年龄阶段明确地告诉家长, 应该怎样引导孩子,告诉他们哪些财商知识,怎么衡量和提高孩子的财商水平?

答案是,以前或许没有,但现在终于有了,那就是本书 �《美国财商必备》。对于在财商教育中苦苦探索的家长,他们需要一个教育导航仪,在他们培养孩子高财商的路上提供每一步的方向和建议。对于在成长的道路上苦寻财商知识的孩子们来说,这本书就是一个领航员,告诉他们哪里有应该避免的急流险滩,哪里可能有丰富的宝藏。为他们长大后探索更为广阔的人生的海洋做好准备。




俞心怡,现任集团公司财务总监. 工商管理硕士,会计学硕士,注册会计师,注册理财规划师,注册管理会计师,金融教育哈特兰研究所认证的大学升学顾问,拥有超过二十年的企业和个人理财投资咨询经验。热爱亲子教育和理财教育。心怡育有一女一子,女儿是普林斯顿大学新生,儿子目前就读于爱迪生JP Steven高中。

时间: 2016年02月06日星期六,傍晚 5:30点至9点
5:30 � 7:00pm 晚餐及活动时间:
家庭Zumba。 由 club 青少年成员 Billy Liu (刘敬华) 带领跳舞。Billy 曾获2011年 Summer Sizzling latin youth competition Jive, chacha,青少年第一名。2012年 American Ball competition Latin junior I Sumba, Jive, Rumba 第一名。
小孩才艺表演, 欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。

7:00 � 9:00pm: 讲座与讨论。(有儿童托管, 费用是每家$5. 欢迎您的孩子报名参加各项活动俱乐部包括儿童手工,儿童中文电影, 国际象棋,打乒乓,读书会。)
地点: 新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816


活动组织者: Qing-Hong Dai,Nancy Chen, Joy Zhou

联系人:Qing-Hong Dai (***-***-8112,; May Huang (***-***-9579,


The PCE Club presents the 145th Monthly Event:


Financial Intelligence Development for Children
Chinese New Year Holiday Potluck Dinner
Host: Cindy Yu

Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

In a growingly complex economic environment, kids today need to develop financial intelligence more than ever�and the best way for them to do this is with the family. Ms. Yu and Dr. Zhang coauthored the books on Financial Intelligence for Parents and Children to address their concerns in financial literacy, and sound finan-cial judgement and behavior. While other books on financial education stick to the basics, Financial Intelligence for Parents and Children delves much deeper and wider by providing step-by-step instructions for engaging in age-appropriate discussions about money and finances with children at every grade level, from preschool through high school. It offers you the tools you need to talk about a wide range of money matters, beginning with the ABCs of financial education and progressively building to addressing more advanced concepts.

Topics covered include:
Banking and credit
Borrowing and spending
College and retirement
Gifting and estate
Investing and wealth
Job and income
Risk and Insurance
Taxes and economics

It is vital that children fully understand these concepts before leaving the house and venturing out on their own. This must-have resource delivers a systematic approach to helping your children enter the vibrant world with the financial know-how. They will become productive and financially secure members of the society.

This event will be an interactive session. Ms. Yu will share her experience with her two teenager kids, a fresh-man in Princeton University and a sophomore in Edison JP Steven High. Participants all share their experience with their children with own stories.

Since the event week is close to Chinese New Year, we will have a potluck dinner during the event. Please bring your best dish to share, and Let's have a great parenting year in 2016!

About the Speaker:

Cindy Yu, CPA, CFP, MBA, MS, has more than twenty years� experience in both corporate and personal fi-nances, and a passion for parenting and financial education for families. She�s currently CFO for ACA. With a career path that includes high-level management positions at American Express and Citigroup, she is a certified public accountant and financial service industry veteran who has served thousands of individual and business clients worldwide. She was a certified college consultant of Hartland Institute of Financial Education, the co-founder of the Parents & Children Education Club in New Jersey and the cofounder of the nonprofit organiza-tion - Institute of Financial Intelligence.

When: Feburary 06, 2016 Saturday, from 5:30 to 9:00pm
5:30pm - 7:00pm:
Holiday Potluck Dinner
Family Zumba session. led by club teenager member Billy Liu (刘敬华). Billy has won 2011 Summer Sizzling latin youth competition Jive, chacha, first place. 2012 American Ball compe-tition Latin junior I Sumba, Jive, Rumba first place.
Children�s Talent Show;

7:00pm - 9:00pm: presentation (Childcare available, kids activities include: Arts & Craft, kids movie, Chess club, PingPong club, book club, cost is $5 per family)
Where: Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family. Courtesy childcare is available

Event Organizer: Qing-Hong Dai,Nancy Chen, Joy Zhou

Contact: Qing-Hong Dai (***-***-8112,;May Huang (***-***-9579,


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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