PCE Club - 142th Monthly Event-Insights and Real World Applications
新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
父母子女教育俱乐部热忱邀请您参加一场由廖冰博士所带领的讨论会。这次讨论将围绕2015年10月份的PCE年会讲座的内容, 围绕 Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg主讲的如何培养高情商的孩子。主要讲到:
培养孩子的目标:成功,玩,还是快乐。对孩子的高期望和无条件的爱不矛盾 (反思美国的常见弊病)
廖冰博士: 充满激情地推广情商教育十余年,她具有号召影响力,从东海岸到西海岸,已在全国做过70多个与情商教育有关的演讲或研讨会。2007年5月,创建非营利英华国际学校,全美最先融合中英双语的小学; 自2002年5月创建非营利英华语言学校以来,担任校长十多年并运用与推广《马立平中文》; 自2004年创建非营利�英华在北京�语言与领导能力暑期学院以来,每年亲自带领美国青少年在北京学习并为贫困学生服务;自2012年创建非营利英华普林斯顿语言与领导能力学院以来,带领来到美国的非英语母语青少年学习与实践并进行野外生存训练;自2004年,担任新州父母子女教育俱乐部总顾问,为华人父母提供一个学习和讨论的平台, 不断提高个人和子女情商,开发智商,增进和子女的交流。2000年罗格斯大学工商管理硕士;1991年休斯顿大学物理博士;1984年北京大学物理学士。2007年从美林证券公司辞职,致力于教授数学及创建非营利学校。目前,在美银美林工作。养育了正在读大学的一儿一女
时间: 2015年11月14日星期六,傍晚 6:30点至9点(6:30-7:00:为小孩才艺表演时间,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。
地点: 新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
活动组织者: Jingshan Zhang, Weihong Zhang
联系人:May Huang (***-***-9579), Qing-Hong Dai (***-***-8112, qinghongdai@yahoo.com)
The PCE Club presents the 142th Monthly Event:
Insights and Real World Applications
A Guided Discussion on Raising children Who are Prepared to Thrive in a Challenging World
Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
You are cordially invited to join our discussion � �Raising Children Who Will be Prepared to Thrive in a Challenging World� � at PCE club. We will cover most of topics presented by Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg in his well-received talk at PCE Annual conference last month. Dr. Bonnie Liao will be moderating the discussion allowing audience to share their views on those important topics. Please find some motivating questions below to put in your thoughts. See you at the event!
Goal in raising kids: success, play, happiness. Harmonize high expectation & unconditional love (toxic elements in American value system)
What is resilience, seven C�s
Perfectionism when kids are pushed too much and focused too narrowly on college entrance
Passion and ability: career/hobby
Let children earn independence, one step at a time. If you respect kids� independence, they feel BIG
Effective interaction with teens: listen, relate, understand, respect. Teach instead of control
List of ways to cope with stress
About the Speaker:
Dr. Bonnie Liao, Passionately promoting EQ Parenting for over a decade, she is an inspirational speaker and has had over 70 speeches or workshops across the country, from east coast to west coast. Founder and Head of School, YingHua International School, a nonprofit private elementary school, one of the first Chinese-English dual language schools in the United States; Founder and Principal, YingHua Language School, the first community-based school accredited by CSS at Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools; Founder & Director, "YingHua in Beijing" Summer Language & Leadership Institute providing learning opportunities to American youth ages 8 to 17 who spend a month in China; Founder & Director, YingHua Princeton Language & Leadership Institute providing learning opportunities to international youth ages 9 to 18 who spend a month in the United States; General Advisor, New Jersey Parent & Children Education Club, the only NJ nonprofit association focusing on parent-child communications, raising emotionally intelligent and motivated children. MBA, Finance / Information Technology, Rutgers University; Ph.D., Physics, University of Houston; BS, Physics, Peking University. A former VP in Management Science, she left Merrill Lynch to teach mathematics at a top private college preparatory high school in New Jersey for two years. Currently she is a consultant at Bank of America / Merrill Lynch. Raised a son and a daughter who are both college students currently
When: November 14, 2015 Saturday, from 6:30 to 9 pm (6:30-7 pm: Children�s Talent Show; 7-9 pm: presentation. Childcare available, we have invited experienced arts teacher to lead the Kids Arts activity, cost is $5 per family)
Where: Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family. Courtesy childcare is available
Event Organizer: Jingshan Zhang, Weihong Zhang
Contact: May Huang (***-***-9579), Qing-Hong Dai (***-***-8112, qinghongdai@yahoo.com)