PCE Club - 120th Monthly Event -Round Table Discussion-Raising a Self Motivated Child
圆桌讨论 - 培养一个有内在动力的孩子
俗话说, 有志者事竟成。 一个人的内在动力使他有追求梦想和成就的冲劲,因而也成就了他独特和独立的一生。 我们如何能帮助我们的孩子成为这样有内在动力和自我激发力的人呢?在刚过的2013年子女教育年会上, Janine Walker Chaffrey 博士 在这个题目上讲到下面几点:
提高孩子自我锻炼意识、营造赏识激励氛围, 以建立自信心
这个月,廖冰博士将带领我们以圆桌讨论的方式继续探讨这个题目: 如何培养一个有内在动力的孩子。
时间: 2013年11月16日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点
6:15 ~ 6:30pm: 注册
6:30 ~ 7:00pm: 为儿童才艺表演,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、准时到达;
7:00 ~ 9:00pm: 是专题讲座
地点: 三彩藝術學院
地址: 802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场 )
活动组织者: Weihong Zhang (***-***-0819, weihongzhang2013@gmail.com), Hayden Hsiung (***-***-7864, haydenh@gmail.com)
联系人: Amy Liu (***-***-7816, amyliucpa@yahoo.com), 徐蕾(***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com),徐明(***-***-8007,mingxuhomes@yahoo.com)
The PCE Club presents the 120th Monthly Event:
Round Table Discussion
Raising a Self Motivated Child
A determined person can achieve just about anything. The quality of drive provides the momentum for a person to dream and achieve, creating a unique, independent life. How do we help our children to become such self-motivated, independent people?
Pathfinder Parenting - alternative to Helicopter Parenting
Increasing Risks and Encouraging Accomplishment to Build Confidence
Decreasing Comfort and Scheduling to Build Flexibility and Resiliency
Delaying Gratification and Decreasing Rewards to Build Patience and Work Ethic
Using Positive Peer Pressure to Build Motivation
This month, we will continue to explore the topic of �Raising a Self Motivate Child� with a round table discussion lead by PCE Club Advisor, Dr. Bonnie Liao.
When: Saturday, 11/16/2013
6:15 ~ 6:30pm: Registration and Socializing
6:30 ~ 7:00pm: "Kids Talent Show" program, please register your child if you would like your child to participate this program, come on time.
7:00 ~ 9:00pm: Seminar session
9:00 ~ 9:30pm: Wrap-up
Where: San Cai Arts Academy
802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)
Fee:Free to PCE paid members, $10 per family otherwise
Event Organizers: Weihong Zhang (***-***-0819, weihongzhang2013@gmail.com), Hayden Hsiung (***-***-7864, haydenh@gmail.com)
Contact: Amy Liu(***-***-7816, amyliucpa@yahoo.com), Ming Xu( ***-***-8007), Lei Xu (***-***-4290,lxu2005@gmail.com)
Child care service will be provided during the seminar session.