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PCE Club - 118th Monthly Event - Wisdom of Parenting





智慧是让复杂变简单。当今的父母,在�竞争无道�和 �虎妈�的复杂迷茫中,渐渐在觉醒,寻求生命的智慧和养育的智慧。

第一百十八期活动. 俱乐部邀请了罗格斯大学家庭,王益平于雷夫妇和女儿于娜 (1st year student at Rutgers Douglas Residential College for Women),将一起分享,他们家庭寻求生命智慧的心路历程。王益平将分享:为人父母过程中,寻求生命教育的自我成长经历和反省. 于娜将分享:中学毕业后,游学一年的经历,及对自我的重新认识和生命意义的悟性。于雷将分享:今日大学生的生命状态和为人父母的启示。


王益平:多年研究父母吸毒对家庭和孩子身心发展的影响。 曾任Montgomery 学区委员(2007-2009).工作之余, 她还热心于圓桌教育基金會的志愿者服务活动。

于娜: 2012年毕业于Montgomery High School. 激情于文学创作。游学一年中, 实习于:中国日报安徽记者站,新西兰出版公司,英华在北京和英华在普林斯顿的夏令营。

于雷:专注于遗传学的研究。现任Montgomery 学区委员(2010-2013)。

时间: 2013年9月14日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点
6:15 ~ 6:30pm: 注册
6:30 ~ 7:00pm: 为儿童才艺表演,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、准时到达;
7:00 ~ 9:00pm: 是专题讲座

地点: 三彩藝術學院

地址: 802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场 )


活动组织者: 刘轶敏

联系人: 徐明(***-***-8007,,徐蕾(***-***-4290,, 刘轶敏(***-***-7816,



The PCE Club presents the 118th Monthly Event:


Wisdom of Parenting

Wisdom is to simplify the complexity. In today�s world of parenting, we are lost in �Race to Nowhere� and are unsure of the ways of Tiger Mom. As a result, we are searching --- searching for the wisdom of life and the wisdom of parenting.

In this discussion, Rutgers family, Drs. Yiping Wang and Lei Yu and their daughter Elaina Yu (1st year student at Rutgers� Douglass Residential College for Women), will share their personal journey in searching for the wisdom of life. In particular, Yiping will reflect on her personal growth in searching for the wisdom of parenting. Elaina will reflect upon the impact of her gap year on her renewed sense of self and the meaning of life. Lei will share his perspective of the current state of college student mindset and what it means to parenting.

About the Speakers:

Yiping Wang, Research Faculty at Rutgers, specialized in research on the adverse impact of parental substance abuse on family functioning and child development. She served on Montgomery School District Board of Education from 2007 to 2009. She is currently volunteering at Life Academy for making life better.

Lei Yu, Rutgers Professor, with research focus on genetic basis of motivation, drive, and impulsive behavior. Currently he is serving on Montgomery School District Board of Education (2010 to 2013).

Elaina Yu, Year 2012 graduate of the Montgomery High School. Her passion is in creative writing. During her gap year, she interned at China Daily newspaper in Anhui Providence in China, a New Zealand publishing company, and YingHua in Beijing and YingHua in Princeton Summer Camps.

When: Saturday, 09/14/2013
6:15 ~ 6:30pm: Registration and Socializing
6:30 ~ 7:00pm: "Kids Talent Show" program, please register your child if you would like your child to participate this program, come on time.
7:00 ~ 9:00pm: Seminar session
9:00 ~ 9:30pm: Wrap-up

Where: San Cai Arts Academy

802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)

Fee:Free to PCE paid members, $10 per family otherwise

Event Organizers: Amy Liu

Contact: Ming Xu( ***-***-8007),Lei Xu (***-***-4290,, Amy Liu (***-***-7816,

Child care service will be provided during the seminar session.


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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