PCE Club - 106th Monthly Event - College Application � How To Find the Right College For Your Child
2012/09/15 星期六 6:30-9:00pm
第一百零六期活动 ���大学申请:如何帮助孩子选择大学�的专题讨论会
申请大学是一个漫长而繁琐的过程。父母在这个过程中主要扮演引导和支持的角色。父母的鼓励和帮助不仅可以减轻儿女的压力,还可以帮助他们成长。俱乐部荣幸请到Dominic 和 Elaine 夫妇,他们将要和大家分享他们的亲身经历:怎么样在高中期间有效的安排申请过程,大学录取的关键,什么样的大学物有所值,怎么选择适合自己孩子的大学,怎么样准备面试,最重要的,怎么样让这个过程成为巩固父母与子女关系的契机。
时间: 2012年9月15日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点
6:30-7:00 为儿童才艺表演,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、准时到达;
7:00 至9:00 是专题讲座,
地点:802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场 )
联系人: 徐明 ( ***-***-8007), 黄敏(***-***-0332, minhuang360@yahoo.com), 徐蕾(***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
活动组织者: 杨倩, 陈虹
The PCE Club presents the 106th Monthly Event:
College Application � How To Find the Right College For Your Child
The college search, application, and admission process requires a lot of work. It can also be difficult and confusing for your child. You, as parents, should play a "significant role" in the entire process. Your major roles are providing guidance and support. Your encouragement and assistance can make the experience much easier and less stressful. You can help by dismissing myths such as "the college you attend makes you for the rest of your life". No institution can do that. There is no such thing as only one perfect college for each college-bound student. You can help your child find the college that suits his or her individual needs.
Dominic and Elaine will share how parents can fulfill their "significant role": how to guide their child in college planning and develop the timeline of tasks during the high school years, what the key admission criteria are, what college is worth the "price", how to choose the "right" college, how to prepare for interviews, how to avoid common mistakes made by applicants and parents, most of all, how to enjoy and make the most of the college planning experience that strengthens family relationships!
Dominic and Elaine Kung
Dominic grew up in Hong Kong. He joined Dow Chemical after completing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Cornell University in 1985. Currently he is working for Borealis - an European chemical company. Elaine was born and raised in Hong Kong. She earned her college and graduate degrees from Cornell and Princeton in Electrical and Materials Science Engineering. She has been working at AT&T since 1985. AT&T sponsored her through graduate school at Princeton while she was working part time at Bell Labs. Prior to meeting each other at Cornell, both of them have also attended state universities in Delaware, Iowa and Maryland.
Outside of work, Dominic and Elaine have been active in serving at local churches in NJ since 1985, in teaching children and youth, coaching youths in serving at church and planning for college, sharing of parenting experiences. They have helped many young people and parents with college planning and applications over the years, both for their own children and extended families, and for friends and others in the community. Elaine is an active alumnus serving on the board and committees for Cornell and Princeton, including interviews with college applicants and hosting college fairs at local high schools. They have been happily married since 1986, blessed with two wonderful children: Grace (working as a financial analyst in NYC) and Christopher (working as an engineer in San Diego). They live in Basking Ridge, NJ.
When: 6:30-9:00pm, Saturday, 9/15/2012
6:30 ~ 7:00pm is "Kids Talent Show" program, please register your child if you would like your child to participate this program, come on time.
7:00 ~ 9:00pm is seminar session
Where:802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)
Fee:Free to PCE paid members, $10 per family otherwise
Contact: Ming Xu( ***-***-8007,Min Huang(***-***-0332, minhuang360@yahoo.com) ,Lei Xu (***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
Event Organizers: Margaret Zhu, Qian Yang
Child care service will be provided during the seminar session.