PCE Club - CAP2007-肯定自我
弗吉尼亚枪击案震撼了多少亚裔家庭? 留给每个家长多少思考?
由父母子女教育俱乐部和多维时报联合举办的第四届华人子女教育研讨会暨年会将著重探讨该枪击案后我们该如何"肯定自我--培养孩子健康的心理素质",让这种悲剧不 再发生,让生活在美国的华人孩子们的心灵健康自由地成长!
亚裔通常被认为是模范的少数族裔。然而在模范之外,尤其是我们生活在两种文化夹缝中的孩子们,有多少人注意到他们所承受的压力?他们的父母也许正在为全家老小的基本生存奔波,没有时间给他们更多的关怀和呵护,而使他们缺乏安全感;作为"少数民族",常常还可能会受到歧视,又有多少人会注意到他们的悲愤,无奈,致使他们的安全感更加受挫?有些父母过于严厉的家教,可能让孩子拿到了无数个"A",却没有留给他抒发情绪的空间,也没有送给他通过沟通解决问题的工具;特别是亚裔人群对心理健康的认知的"落后"和"无知",对看心理医生的歧视和误解,堵塞了孩子们在生活中出现困惑寻求帮助的通道。在这种情况下,我们该怎么办?该如何让孩子从困惑和压力中释放出来? 一旦发现异常,父母们该如何调整心态?寻求帮助?让孩子也 让这个家庭从困惑和压力中解套出来。如何帮助孩子们肯定自己是本次大会的主题。研讨会上由Rutgers 的王益平教授主讲�多元文化中子女的肯定自我与健康心理素质 的培养",Fishbowl Forum (实话实说)以及座谈会.
王益平教授曾就读南京师范大学,Pacific Oaks College in California, 及普度大学,并取得有关儿童教育的学士,硕士和博士学位,现就职罗格斯大学和Robert Wood Johnson医学研究所,从事儿童早期教育和培养的教学研究工作。王益平教 授还兼有多个社会兼职,如新州Montgomery学区委员,Cincinnati大学命名的�王益平儿童天地�。
实话实说论坛则是少年儿童们自己的节目,由Bonnie Liao and Linda Fu 女士主持,青少年和有经验的父母参与,说说你的苦恼,也听听孩子们的心声,帮助其他人解开困扰。
父母子女教育研讨会暨年会受到社会各界的大力协助,特别感谢(排名不分先后)黄晓夫律师楼,新美银行贷款公司,王爱娟医生,Sandra Liu女士,高盛集团,Mass Mutual朱晓静女士,等。
本次年會除了9月8日當天的研討會外,同時還舉辦征文活動。本次征文活動分成人組和青少年組兩個部份,分別設一、二、三等獎和參與獎。並在年會上予以頒獎和表彰。成人組要求字數在2500字以內。青少年組字數要求在1000字以內。內容分別圍繞家長培養孩子健康心理的故事、經驗和心得,以及孩子對父母的期望、要求,和自己內心的苦悶。成人組要求中文來稿,青少年組中英文皆可。來稿將選擇一部分登在多維時報教育版。欢迎大家报名参加。有關研討會和其征文活動,聯繫和來稿都可电邮至registration@pceclub.org, lindaniu@yahoo.com 或电牛新莉 ***-***-8066,王成文 ***-***-3425或其它研討會筹备委员会成员 第四屆華人子女教育研討會筹备委员会成员
Jenny Zhu at ***-***-2378, Chengwen Wang at ***-***-3425, Cindy Yu at ***-***-3130, Yingting Zhang at ***-***-7731, Linda Niu at ***-***-1804, James Gao at ***-***-2025, Dennis Wu at ***-***-0576, Wei Tang, Cathay Wang, Angela Chiu, Simon Wang
CAP 2007
The PCE Club's CAP 2007 conference will be held with Duowei as the co-organizer on Saturday September 8, 2007 at Clarion Hotel, Edison, NJ. The theme of the CAP 2007 is �Leveraging the Strength of Diversity - Cultural
Adaptation and Mental Growth of Immigrant Children�.
CAP 2007 will extensively discuss how to leverage the strength of diversity in many aspects and will definitely benefit both children and parent on their personal and social successes. It will feature a keynote speech by Dr. Yiping Wang, a professor and specialist on early childhood development, "Fish Bowl" forum with Teenagers, and panel discussion with experienced parents. The theme of the conference is around how the immigrant children can leverage and take advantage of culturally diversified background, upbringing and social environment for their development. The conference will be offered free to the PCE Club members.
2055 Route 27 Clarion Hotel, Edison, NJ 08817
Info Contacts:
� info@pceclub.org
Jenny Zhu at ***-***-3896, Chengwen Wang at ***-***-3425, Cindy Yu at ***-***-3130, Yingting Zhang at ***-***-7731, James Gao at ***-***-2025, Linda Niu at ***-***-1804, Wei Tang at ***-***-5849
General Admission Fees:
Day Session: $10 pre-registration and $15 for on-site registration / Member FREE and membership card required
Dinner Session: $25 per person/ Volunteers, Speakers, Sponsors FREE
Please make check payable to "PCE Club" and send it to 8 Azalea ct, E Brunswick, NJ 08816 or please use PayPal on www.pceclub.org
Note: There is no on-site babysitter available.
Pre-Conference Sessions/Registration (10:00 am �1:00pm)
12:00pm - 1:00pm
PCE Club
Conference Main Sessions (1:00pm - 6:00pm) - Windsor Ball Room
12:30pm - 1:00pm Conference Sitting Start
12:45 pm - 1:00pm
Opening Remarks
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Keynote Speech - �Leveraging the Strength of Diversity�
Dr. Yiping Wang
2:30pm ��--3:00pm
Break/PCE member drive
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Fishbowl Forum (实话实说) (13-20 yrs old youth speakers, experienced parents)
Ms. Linda Fu
Ms. Bonnie Liao
4:30pm �5:00pm
Reward for essay contests
5:00pm �6:30pm
Panel Discussion:
Ms. Sunny Wang
Dr. Anjuan Wang
Dr. Yiping Wang
Mr. Raymone Wong
Ms. Linda Fu
Ms. Yin Long
Dinner Sessions (6:30pm - 8:30pm) � HongCheng
6:30pm �8:30pm
Dinner with Speakers and Organizers
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Yiping Wang
Dr. Yiping Wang received her B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Nanjing Normal University in China, her M.A. in Early Childhood Education at Pacific Oaks College in California, and her Ph.D. in Child Development and Family Studies at Purdue University in Indiana.
Currently, Dr. Wang is Assistant Professor at the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University and at the Institute for the Study in Child Development at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Wang�s research focuses on children affected by adverse environmental factors including maternal substance abuse.
Before joining Rutgers University, Dr. Wang was a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, where she developed an innovative family-focused center for children and their mothers affected by maternal substance abuse. Dr. Wang�s dedication to the welfare of children at risk was acknowledged, as the Crossroads Center at University of Cincinnati recently dedicated its newly renovated children�s facility in her honor: Yiping Wang Children�s Kingdom.
Besides her academic interests, Dr. Wang has actively engaged in community volunteer service. She served on multiple Boards of Trustees to advocate for children, both domestically and internationally. Currently, Dr. Wang is an elected member of the Board of Education in Montgomery Township in New Jersey.
Dr. Wang lives with her husband and two children, age 13 and 7, in Belle Mead, New Jersey.
Fishbowl Forum Host
Ms. Linda Fu
Ms. Bonnie Liao
Ms. Sunny Wang
Dr. Aijuan Wang
Mr. Raymone Wong
Ms. Yiping Wang
Ms. Qiang Hong
Ms. Yin Long (Moderator)
Attorney Zhiyu Hu,
Dr. Aijun Wang,
CPA Allison Zhang ,
Financial Advisor Yin Long/Jenny Zhu,
Apex Ivy Consulting Chen Zhang ,
Realtor Min Xu,
North sunshine Woodfloor,Tony & James.