PCE Club - 126th Monthly Event - Panel Discussion: The impact of marriage on parenting
专题讨论会 � 夫妻关系对子女教育的影响
父母是孩子人生中的第一位老师。父母对孩子的教育不仅体现在对孩子的直接教导上,也表现在父母的言行对孩子产生的潜移默化的影响。夫妻关系包括哪些的内容?夫妻关系对孩子的成长有哪些直接或间接的影响?夫妻之间的相处模式会对小孩子的社会行为模式产生影响? 什么样的夫妻关系最有利于孩子的成长?什么样的夫妻关系对孩子成长有害?如果夫妻关系融洽、彼此相爱,孩子成长过程中,孩子的心理和性格能产生怎样的正能量?如果夫妻之间经常发生冲突,孩子的心理和性格可能产生怎样的变化?您有没有遇到过这些问题?您和家人是怎样面对和处理这些冲突的?
陸正士:出生于台湾,1977年赴维也纳,1979年来美到纽约, 一住就是35年。陆先生和夫人结婚31年,他们的儿子今年17岁,将要步入大学校门。陆先生有感于大半的人生忙碌于努力求学,成家立业,教育子女,恭亲父母。日覆一日的生活似乎充实但总感缺失,缺失的不是物质而是日渐流失的生命核心-自我价值,更可怕的是流失而不自知。生命被埋没在琐碎的生活中,心中失去了平静,亲密关系遇到了瓶颈,用力管教孩子希望给孩子一条人生的康庄大道,但成效往往是短暂的或是背道而驰。渴望的家中和谐有如细沙在握,紧抓却留不住,一切力不从心。陆先生和夫人将与大家分享他们8年前巧遇的一次领悟。这次人生经历,更好地让他们认识自己,也重拾了家庭幸福快乐。因为他和妻子的转变,孩子得到了更好的成长的空间。从此往后,他们对孩子的管教是用心不用力,把孩子的生命还给孩子自己,退去父母期盼的枷锁,让孩子们自己选择一条适合他自己的道路,摸索中找到未来人生的方向。
王益平教授:多年致力于研究父母吸毒对家庭和孩子身心发展的影响。 曾任Montgomery 学区委员(2007-2009)。
于雷教授,王益平教授的先生,Rutgers大学教授,专注于遗传学的研究。现任Montgomery 学区委员(2010-2013)。他和王益平教授的女儿,于娜, 2012年毕业于Montgomery High School. 激情于文学创作。游学一年中, 实习于:中国日报安徽记者站,新西兰出版公司,英华在北京和英华在普林斯顿的夏令营。
时间: 2014年5月10日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点(6:30-7:00 为小孩才艺表演时间,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。)
地点: 三彩藝術學院
地址: 802 US 1 North, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对面向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)
活动组织者: Amy Liu, Lily Liu
联系人:Amy Liu (***-***-7816, amyliuCPA@yahoo.com),Lily Liu(***-***-5472, Liuli.wh@gmail.com), 徐蕾(***-***-4290,lxu2005@gmail.com),徐明(***-***-8007,mingxuhomes@yahoo.com)
The PCE Club presents the 126th Monthly Event:
Panel Discussion: The impact of marriage on parenting
Parents are their children's first teacher. The way of parenting is not only reflected in the direct instruction of their children, but also consists of subtle influence of parents' words and actions. How does the quality of marriage impact on parenting? Does it affect the children's growth? How does the model of marriage influent the social behavior of their children? What kind of husband-wife relationship is most conducive to the child's growth? What kind of husband-wife relationship is harmful to their children�s growth? Will the harmonious relationship between husband and wife contribute to the parenting and help the children develop positive attitude? Do frequent conflicts between husband and wife negatively impact on the psychological health of their children? Have you ever encountered such a situation and how do you and your family deal with those conflicts?
PCE club has invited the experts and parents to speak in our 126th event � a panel discussion on the impact of marriage on parenting.
The goals of this event are to:
Help explore effective ways of communications between husband and wife, as well as effective ways to communicate with their children
Improve the relationship between husband and wife and promote in-depth discussions about the effect of harmonious parents� relationship on their children's education
Discuss the importance of harmonious relationship between two parents pertaining to character formation of the children, and to understand from a child's perspective
Help Asian parents to improve relationship between husband and wife and learn how to help children communicate with people
About the Speakers:
Chestin Lu Born in Taiwan, went to Vienna in 1977. He has lived in New York for 35 years since 1979. Mr. Lu and his wife have been married for 31 years, and have a 17 year old son who is going to college this fall. Eight year ago, Mr. Lu and his wife had a chance to achieve a sudden enlightenment about life. Since then, they have known themselves better and regained their family happiness. Because of the changes of him and his wife, the child got room to grow up happier.
Yiping Wang, Research Faculty at Rutgers, specialized in research on the adverse impact of parental substance abuse on family functioning and child development. She served on Montgomery School District Board of Education from 2007 to 2009.
Lei Yu, Rutgers Professor, researches focus on genetic basis of motivation, drive, and impulsive behavior. Currently he is serving on Montgomery School District Board of Education (2010 to 2013).
When: May 10, 2014 Saturday, from 6:30 to 9 pm (6:30-7 pm: Children�s Talent Show; 7-9 pm: presentation, childcare available)
Where: San Cai Arts Academy
802 US 1 North, Edison, NJ 08817 (On Route 1 North across the street from Kam Man Supermarket; in the same parking lot as the store �Standard Tile� north of Audi Dealer)
Fees: Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family
Event Organizer: Amy Liu, Lily Liu
Contact: Amy Liu (***-***-7816, amyliuCPA@yahoo.com, Lily Liu (***-***-5472, liuli.wh@gmail.com), Ming Xu( ***-***-8007), Lei Xu (***-***-4290,lxu2005@gmail.com)