PCE Club - 108th Monthly Event - Round-table Discussion: The Art of Communicating with Children
2012/11/17 6:30-9:00PM, Saturday
圆桌讨论会 - 与孩子的沟通艺术
SPECIAL NOTICE: Nov. event is postponded to 11/17th due to Hurricane Sandy. Dr. Bonnie Liao won't be available due to the rescheduling, but the good news is that some PCE veterians will come and participate the discussion.
Hope to see many of you on 11/17th.
在11月3日,我们将邀请新泽西颇有盛名的子女教育专家廖冰(Bonnie Liao)女士作为圆桌讨论会的主持人。廖冰女士自2009年10月,致力于创建新泽西第一所中英双语公立学校,普林斯顿国际特许学校;2007年5月,创建非营利英华国际学校,全美最先融合 中英双语与国际化探究式教育相结合的小学; 自2005年5月创建非营利英华语言学校以来,担任校长并运用与推广《马立平中文》; 自2004年创建非营利�英华在北京�语言与领导能力暑期班以来,每年亲自带领美国青少年在北京学习并为贫困学生服务;自2004年,担任新州父母子女教 育俱乐部总顾问,为华人父母提供一个学习和讨论的平台, 不断提高个人和子女情商,开发智商,增进和子女的交流。2000年罗格斯大学工商管理硕士;1991年休斯顿大学物理博士;1984年北京大学物理学士。 2007年从美林证券公司辞职,致力于教授数学及创建非营利学校。
时间: 2012年11月17日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点
6:30-7:00 为儿童才艺表演,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、准时到达;
7:00 至9:00 是专题讲座,
地点:802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场 )
联系人: 徐明 ( ***-***-8007), 黄敏(***-***-0332, minhuang360@yahoo.com), 徐蕾(***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
活动组织者: Tracy Gao , 徐蕾
The PCE Club presents the 108th Monthly Event:
Round-table Discussion: The Art of Communicating with Children
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Maybe you didn't even get a chance to ask any questions at the annual parenting conference even though the issue has already bothered you for quite a long time? Maybe you felt the urgency to make changes after the conference but don't know where to start? Maybe you've already familiarized yourself with EQ parenting theory but just don't know how to put it into practice? Maybe you worry that the fresh theory won't stay in your mind for too long before you taking any actions? Maybe you have got the chance to be exposed to the new theory but you spouse haven�t and you want a make-up class for her/him? Maybe you wish there were a group of parents marching together with you on the new journey since the journey will be bumpy and long?
You are not alone. Holding you questions, thoughts, stories, lessons, and come back on Nov 3. We will have a follow-up discussion after the conference. The topic will be the same and the format will be a round-table discussion. Hope to see you there.
On November 3, Ms. Bonnie Liao, a famous children's education expert in NJ, will be invited as the moderator of the round table discussion. For the past 10 years, Ms. Bonnie Liao has been the Principal & Trustee of YingHua Language School , which she founded in May 2002. YingHua Language is the first community-based school accredited by CSS at Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. She has also initiated and designed the "YingHua in Beijing " Summer Language & Leadership Institute providing learning opportunities to American youth ages 8 to 17 who spend a month in China . She has been the Director of the program since 2004. In May 2007, she founded YingHua International School as one of the first Chinese-English dual language schools in the United States combining language immersion with an internationally-focused inquiry-based curriculum framework.
When: 6:30-9:00pm, Saturday, 11/17/2012
6:30 ~ 7:00pm is "Kids Talent Show" program, please register your child if you would like your child to participate this program, come on time.
7:00 ~ 9:00pm is seminar session
Where:802 US 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (Edison金门超市对过向南一点,1号路北向过Audi车行,在Standard Tile同一个停车场)
Fee:Free to PCE paid members, $10 per family otherwise
Contact: Ming Xu( ***-***-8007,Min Huang(***-***-0332, minhuang360@yahoo.com) ,Lei Xu (***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
Event Organizers: Tracy Gao, Lei Xu
Child care service will be provided during the seminar session.