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PCE Club - 第63次活动

2008/11/29 7pm

哈佛大学四年级学生 Ann Cao 分享从申请,就读,到面临毕业的经验和体悟

父母儿童教育俱乐部将于本月29日在亚洲文化中心举办第63次讲座。由哈佛大学四年级学生 Ann Cao 分享她从申请,就读,到面临毕业的经验和体悟。成长于新州 Mahwah, Ann 将于2009年 获得哈佛大学社会学和东方学双学位。Ann 自认不是一个传统型的学生。就学期间,她为中国盲童孤儿捐款,参加清唱团,还为中文基督教会杂志作编辑。象许多年青人一样,Ann也曾为毕业后的事业选择迷茫, 做过多方尝试。2007年,她休学一年,回到中国,一边在北京大学读书,一边进行盲人就业机会的研究,并在Clinton 基金,Encore International, 人民日报工作。回哈佛后,她将长期目标设定为促进中美交流事业,提高残疾人教育及就业机会。目前,Ann 已被哈佛商学院录取, 并进入其�两年工作+两年商学院�的 program.

面对申请大学及事业的选择,Ann 认为同学间的压力,父母的期盼,以及对自己个性的不确定,都让年青人难于抉择。她希望借助分享个人寻寻觅觅过程中的得失,鼓励新州学弟学妹更能打开思路, 作即有益于社会,又适合自己的双赢选择。


6:45 pm Registration Open
7:00pm - 8:00pm, 大学申请经验分享 (Ann Cao)
8:00pm - 9:30pm, 中美求学及事业选择分享。(Ann Cao)
8:00pm - 9:30pm:2-7岁儿童照顾 (招晓慧老师)
报名费:10 USD (Free for members.)

亚洲文化中心地址: #1876 Rt.27, Edison, NJ 08817

You are cordially invited to register for the PCE Club's 63rd event. This will be a very useful session for many high school students and parents who have teenage children. Ms. Ann Chao was kind enough to graciously accept the club's invitation to come to share her experience as a Harvard senior student from college application, essay writing, studying abroad, to making choices at the time of graducation, etc. This is not her first time to talk at the club's event. Learning that the PCE Club is a non-profit, community-service-oriented grassroot organization and touched by so many volunteer parents, Ann and her family have contributed a lot to this club. This time Ann uses her Thankgiving holiday time (4-day off for family reunion) to come to share with all of us her precious experience. We are very grateful to her and hope that you will find this session beneficial. Please register early as there are limited seats (50 maximum).

The organizers of this monthly event are: Angela Chiu and Sandra Liu.


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

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