PCE Club - 第四十三次活动
2007/03/14 6:30-9:30pm
读子女教育书, 帮子女更好成长
三月十日晚上,父母子女俱乐部在亚洲文化中心如期举行第四十三次活动。这次活动由刘向群,俞心怡和张颖婷组织. 向往常一样, 这次晚会是由孩子们的精彩才艺表演开始的.小周和她的妈妈给表演的孩子们带来了奖品. 看完表演, 孩子们跟着俱乐部的招老师渡过一个愉快的晚上.
同步进行的是父母讨论会.讨论是由父母子女俱乐部的吴建华开始的.他给大家讲述并演播一本非常有意义的书叫"Your Child 6 to 12�. 大家聆听了这本书的作者对孩子年龄在六岁至十二岁之间成长需求的见解.这个年龄孩子的特点是他们的心理上更需要安全和关心,尽管生理和生活上已脱离这阶段.时间 = 爱. 不是
质量时间 = 爱.
根据书本"More 1-2-3 Magic�, 大家还讨论了用"1-2-3"
张颖婷介绍了她对书本�The Hurried Child�的厚爱源于儿子老师的推荐.这是一本关于父母怎样对待孩子加强训练和放松玩耍之间的平衡.父母子女俱乐部网上论坛的主持人邱岚博士给大家阅读了几段她推荐的书: �Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence� by Jane Healy. 这是本书专门讲述, 强迫训练可能给孩子大脑神经发育造成的损害. 这些问题不止针对孩子们的,更主要是针对父母的. 父母能够认识到自己的行为可能帮助或损害孩子成长. 各位如有兴趣继续探讨这些问题的, 请到父母子女教育俱乐部的网站查询或通过注册我们的免费通讯录可电邮joinpceclub@pceclub.org.
父母子女教育俱乐部将在2007年4月14日举办第四十四期活动.时间:2007年4月14日6:30-9:30pm. 地点:Asian Cultural Enterprises Center,1876 Rt. 27, Edison, NJ, 08817。欢迎大家报名参加。有兴趣者可电邮至registration@pceclub.org, 或电话联系: 唐伟***-***-8808。欲了解更多有关俱乐部的信息,请参阅俱乐部网站www.pceclub.org 或注册我们的免费通讯录可电邮joinpceclub@pceclub.org. (俞心怡供稿)
The PCE Club held its 43rd monthly event on March 9, 2007 in the Asian Cultural Center. It was originally planned as a session on child development from a pediatric psychologist's perspestives. However, due to the speaker's unexpected schedule change, it was then changed into a session focused on discussion of several parenting books. Organizers of this event included Sandra Liu, Dennis Wu, Angela Qiu, Cindy Yu and Yingting Zhang. A special thank you goes to Xiao Zhou and her mom who brought toys for all the children who performed. Also thank you to many other helpers who made this event run smoothly.
Followed our usual kids performance was the parenting book discussion which started with a video show of John Drescher's talk on his book "When Your Child Is 6 to 12". This book on middle childhood was recommended by Dennis Wu. Age 6 to 12 is a middle childhood that is often neglected. Drescher pointed out that this is the last great chance to get close to your child. Here are the outlines:
Last chance to Hold Them Close
Last chance to Spend Time With Our Children (LOVE = T-I-M-E)
Last chance to Instill Values
Last chance to Read To Your Children
Last great time to Feeling
Last chance to Teach The Fact Of Sex
Last good time to Discuss on Vocations
"The Hurried Child", as I recommended before on the yahoo list, was first introduced to me by a teacher in my son's school. It was written by Dr. David Elkind who depicted that parents have pushed their children too far, too much both emotionally and intellectually. Each child has his or her own pace of development. We should nurture them in a way that is best for their growing, learning and maturing... There were several for-and-against opinions on this book posted previously on this list. Please refer to the list for the related discussion.
"Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence" by Jane Healy "is a window into the fascinating process of brain development and learning" (in Angela's words). Thank Angela for sharing this wonderful book with us. She read a few paragraphs to the audience. The book has been often picked as a must-read for college students who are majoring in education. Below is a paragraph from the book which is one of the main messages from the author:
"It is possible to force skills by intensive instruction, but this may cause the child to use immature, inappropriate neural networks and distort the natural growth process. Trying to speed learning over unfinished neuron system might be somewhat akin to racing a limousine over a narrow path in the woods. You can do it, but neither the car not the path end up in very good shape!" The PCE Club will hold its 44th event on Saturday evening, April 14, 2007 on How to Make Financial Plans for Your Kid's College Education and Tips on College Applications/Admissions. More information will be posted.
To learn more about PCE Club, please feel free to sign up for the free emailing list at joinpceclub@pceclub.org. Or visit us at our website www.pceclub.org or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pce_club/