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PCE Club - 第五届子女教育研讨会



研讨会时间: 2008年10月11 日
星期六, 11:30am - 5:00pm

地点: Ramada Inn,Somerset
60 Cottontail Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873

Conference Agenda

11:30am - 12:00pm: Registration
12:00pm - 12:15pm: Welcome and Conference Opening
12:15pm - 1:45pm: Keynote Speech by Dr. Alice Ginott
1:45pm - 3:30: Fishbowl Forum (with teenagers speaking up their thoughts)
3:30pm - 5:00pm: Panel Discussion with Parents and Experts The conference will be adjourned at 5:00pm SHARP!


如果您是一位关心孩子成长的父母,如果您迫切想培养孩子的自信心,那么,请参加父母子女教育俱乐部和《多维时报》于十月十一日联合举办的第五次年会。在今年的年会上,俱乐部十分荣幸地邀请到著名心理学家 Dr. Alice Ginott (艾丽丝。吉诺特)来为大家解答这个问题。Dr. Alice Ginott 是心理学搏士,临床心理治疗专家,作家,以及演讲者,她更是一位言语交流的专家。 她认为父母的话对子女影响很大。用不同方式跟孩子说话会有不同的效果。父母应用另一套字眼跟子女交谈,那就是爱的语言。如果父母过度的吹毛求疵、侮辱性的评论或嘲 弄孩子,这将损伤父母对亲子间的沟通,对孩子的自尊更是具有破坏性的。这类负面、损伤人 格的抚育方式只会削弱孩子们的自信,它们如标签一样深深的烙在孩子的心里,对孩子自信心 的培养负面影响极大。

Dr. Ginott 和 Dr. H. Wallace Goddard 一起修订了她先夫 Dr. Haim G. Ginott (海姆。吉诺特) 写的父母与孩子沟通方式名著�Between Parent and Child�《孩子,把你的手给我》。这本自1965年出版以来已售出超过五百万册的父母必读书, 并陆续被翻译成31种语言畅销很多国家。在这次年会上,俱乐部将把这本被誉为彻底改变父母与孩子沟通方式的畅销经典书提供给大家,并由 Dr. Alice Ginott 签名留念。

除了以上主题演讲外,大会还包括俱乐部年会的特色节目:Fishbowl Forum (青少年实话实说)以及家长专家专题讨论会。欢迎关心子女教育的家长以及祖父母们来聆听专家们的信息。研讨会时间: 2008年10月11 日,星期六11:30am - 5:00pm;地点: Ramada Inn in Somerset.欢迎大家报名参加。详情请电:Dennis Wu:***-***-0576;张颖婷:***-***-7731; Angela Chiu ***-***-1758; 俞心怡 ***-***-3130。费用:在10月1日前报名注册者,会员免费,非会员每家庭 $20,并赠获�Between Parent and Child� 书一本 (价值$11.16 at )。对于提前报名却没有及时付费的家庭, 收费 $20, 但不赠获书。会议当天报名者的费用一律 $25,并不赠获书。名额有限,请从速报名。

You may have learned about the upcoming conference on Chinese-American parenting practices (CAP2008) from the local Chinese newspapers. This will be the 5th annual parenting conference organized by the PCE Club in collaboration with DuoWei News. You are cordially invited to register for this significant event.

The theme is "Positive Parenting Raising Confident Children". The keynote speaker is Dr. Alice Ginott, an internationally renowned scholar and expert on parenting. If you Google "Dr. Alice Ginott", you will find much information on her. In addition to the very important keynote speech, the conference will also feature the very popular program - "Fishbowl Forum" in which a group of young adults including high school students and college students sit in the center of the audience to share their views and observations on Chinese parenting styles and the effect of these practices on their development. The forum will be moderated by Ms. Joy Zhao, who is specialized in elementary education and community counseling. She has extensive experience in teaching Chinese to learners across grade levels and of various language backgrounds. The last but not the least program is the panel discussion. Five invited parents/experts will take time to share their knowledge, experience and recommendations in various aspects of parenting with the audience. The panel discussion will be moderated by Yingting Zhang, current president of the PCE Club.

If you register prior to 10/1/08, it is free for club member** families and $20 for non-member families, each family will receive a Dr. Ginott's book "Between Parent and Child" with her autograph. For those who registered before 10/1/08 but did not pay by then, the fee is still $20 for all, but with no book gift. Any registration after 10/1/08 will charge $25 with no book gift. Seats are limited (150 seats). So please register early to ensure availability. For more information, please contact: Angela Chiu ***-***-1758; Dennis Wu: ***-***-0576; Cindy Yu: ***-***-3130; Yingting Zhang: ***-***-7731。

About the Keynote Speaker

Dr. Alice Ginott, Ph.D.

Dr. Alice Ginott is a noted psychologist, psychotherapist, author, and lecturer. Verbal communication is the focus of her skills. As she states: �We are unaware that words are like knives, that we need to be skilled in the use of words. Unlike a surgeon who is careful where he cuts, we use words randomly. We make many incisions until we hit the right spot, heedless of the open wounds we leave behind. We perform daily emotional operations but we do it without training. Even people who love each other and their children lack a language that conveys that love, that mirrors their delight, that makes the one they love feel loved, respected, and appreciated.� The purpose of her lectures, workshops and guidance groups with couples, parents, and teachers is to help them enter the world of another in a compassionate and caring way.

Dr. Ginott's ideas of communicating with parents and teachers were disseminated in the King Features internationally syndicated column �Between Us.� She reflects the enthusiasm, warmth, and humor found in her many articles, such as �How to Drive Your Child Sane� and �How to Help Children Mourn,� which strive to revolutionize the way we talk to one another.

Dr. Ginott received her B.A. from Indiana University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the Graduate Faculty of the New School University in New York. As a former assistant professor of psychology at Hunter and Queens colleges in New York, and a visiting scholar at Chatham College in Pittsburgh, she enjoys sharing her ideas with students. She was a member of the 1970 White House Conference on Children and was invited by the American University in Cairo, Egypt, to be the keynote speaker at a symposium for the International Year of the Child, in which Ms. Jihan el Sadat also participated. She has lectured widely in the United States, Brazil, Africa, Canada, Europe, India, Hong Kong and Israel. She is also the recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt Humanities award.

Dr. Ginott was born in the former Czechoslovakia, is the mother of two daughters�a physician and a lawyer�and has two grandchildren.

Reviews of Ginott�s Works

Between Parent & Child ***** (highest rating) in Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources in Mental Health (2003, 2000) John Gottman, arguably the world�s best researcher on relationships and author of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, wrote (2003) of the BP&C: �This is the most important book ever written on parenting and the emotional world of children. It is a must that every parent and teacher master the skills taught in these pages. Written by Dr. Haim Ginott, renowned child psychologist-and in my opinion, a true genius--Between Parent and Child goes far beyond telling us how to discipline and control our kids, and explains how to raise children who are not only well behaved, but are also emotionally strong, independent thinkers, and compassionate toward others. Take my advice-buy this book! Read this book! You and your children will be forever grateful."�The only advice book I read before my twin sons were born�. More than five million copies of the original have been sold since 1965, and I hope at least as many of the new edition will fall into the eager hands of today's parents and grandparents. Dr. Ginott's book taught me something few of us learn in any formal way: how to be an effective parent.��Jane Brody, The New York Times

"Between Parent and Childis a pioneering guide to emotionally intelligent parenting. I strongly recommend it." � Daniel Goleman, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence

�This is the most important book ever written on parenting and the emotional world of children. It is a must that every parent and teacher master the skills taught in these pages. Written by Dr. Haim Ginott, renowned child psychologist�and in my opinion, a true genius � Between Parent and Child goes far beyond telling us how to discipline and control our kids, and explains how to raise children who are not only well behaved, but are also emotionally strong, independent thinkers, and compassionate toward others. This newly revised edition is better than ever. Take my advice�buy this book! Read this book! You and your children will be forever grateful.��Dr. John M. Gottman, author of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

�There are very few parenting books that teach discipline that is kind and firm rather than punitive . Between Parent and Child is a glorious book that will help parents reach their ultimate goal � children who grow up with a sense of self-worth as well as valuable social and life skills.� � Jane Nelsen, Ed.D., author of the Positive Discipline series

"This revised edition of the classic Between Parent and Child is a useful and practical guide for parents in improving relationships with their children. Full of specific examples for parents to follow, a close reading of this book will improve the level of respect and cooperation between members of the family. I highly recommend it!" � Carolyn Crowder, Ph.D., coauthor of Backtalk and Whining , and author of Eating, Sleeping, and Getting Up

� Between Parent and Child is the Bible for raising children. The work still stands as a powerful resource for parents who are determined to be encouragers. Dr. Ginott taught millions to be empathetic parents, and now with this revised edition, millions more will learn the joy of effective parenting." �Dr. Rod Wallace Kennedy, author of The Encouraging Parent

"The revised edition of the groundbreaking Between Parent and Child is even easier to read and understand than the original � parents are given clear techniques and tools that will teach them to be less rigid and judgmental with their children, how to listen to their children with compassion, and most importantly, how to speak with them in the language of caring." �Dr. Ruth Gruber, author of Haven and Inside of Time

�Reading Between Parent and Child was like being gently hugged by a good friend that's been absent for many years. Dr. Haim Ginott's words sparkle with simple and powerful insights about our lives with children. Dr. Alice Ginott and Dr. H. Wallace Goddard have carefully shepherded Between Parent and Child back into the modern world for new generations of parents. It's nice to have a good friend here again.� �Charles A. Smith, Ph.D., editor of The Encyclopedia of Parenting Research and Theory and author of The Peaceful Classroom: 162 Easy Activities to Teach Preschoolers Compassion and Cooperation


Parents and Children Education Club 父母子女教育俱乐部  

情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2024

Abstract Building




Parents and Children Education Club


情商育儿 共同成长 2003-2022

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