PCE Club - 第五十五期活动
2008/03/09 1:45pm-3:15pm
父母子女教育俱乐部为释开家长的疑团、增进家长的知识、敬请到了新泽西州立医学院精神科刘秦越副教授 義務來做詳細說明 ( 演讲幻灯) 。希望大家积极参与, 提出各种问题讨论. 因时间有限,本期的儿童才艺表演活动暂停一次。
讲座时间: 2008年3月9日 星期日1:45pm - 3:15pm
地点: 华夏爱迪生中文学校-大厅50 Blvd of Eagles, Edison, NJ 08817.
电话联系: Dennis Wu (***-***-6921)
Topic: "How to Meet Your and Your Children's Emotional Needs?" DATE: 3/9/2008 Sunday
TIME: 1:45 to 3:15 PM
PLACE: HuaXia Edison Chinese School Cafeteria area
50 Blvd of Eagles, Edison NJ 08817
This is the 55th event for PCE Club. The CLUB is honored to invite Dr. Sherry Liu from UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School talks to us on "How to Meet Your and Your Children's Emotional Needs?" We live in such busy society. We rush through almost everything. Our emotional needs are often get neglected until it is too late. Dr. Liu will focus on family relationship and support. She will provide further information on how to prevent it, where to get help and how to get help. Dr. Liu is one of the specialists that answer the questions posted in CAMHOP-NJ Mail Box. Here is a link in Chinese: http://www.naminj.org/programs/camhop/NAMINJ_ChineseMaterial.pdf
We would like you to join us in this event and raise the awareness of the important of the mental health for both parents and children.
Dr. Sherry Liu is affiliated with CAMHOP-NJ. Here is the website: http://www.naminj.org/programs/camhop/camhop.html
Thanks to HuaXia Edison Chinese School PTA Chair An Liping to make this event possible.
For more information please contact Dennis Wu at ***-***-6921.