PCE Club - 102nd Monthly Event - Parents Communications with Teens in Building Positive Relationship
2012/05/12 星期六 6:30-9:00pm
第一百零二期活动 � �父母如何与青少年子女沟通以建立积极良好关系�的专题讨论会。
特邀 Mrs. Elaine Kung, 她毕业于康奈尔大学和普林斯顿大学,有超过25年与儿童和青少年工作的经验。 讨论的专题将为 �父母与青少年子女沟通以建立积极良好的关系�,讨论的内容包括:做个好的倾听者的技巧; 非语言沟通和肢体语言沟通的艺术,青少年真正想向父母表达的是什么;解决矛盾与冲突去赢得互相的尊敬的技巧,等等。欢迎您带青少年子女一同参加我们的研讨会。
时间: 2012年05月12日星期六,傍晚 6点30至9点(6:30-7:00 为小孩才艺表演时间,欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。)
地点:YingHua International School, (inside Princeton Church of Christ)
33 River Road, Princeton, NJ 08540
联系人: 徐明 ( ***-***-8007), 黄敏(***-***-0332, minhuang360@yahoo.com), 徐蕾(***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
主持人: Kam Ferro & Christa Huang
俱乐部请到有富有经验的老师带领孩子活动, 欢迎父母共同参加这次专题讲座。
Mrs. Kung�s bio:
Elaine was born and raised in Hong Kong. She earned her college and graduate degrees from Cornell and Princeton in Electrical and Materials Science Engineering. She has been working at AT&T since 1985. AT&T sponsored Elaine through graduate school at Princeton while she was working part time. Over the years, Elaine held technical and business roles for a wide range of products and services. She is currently the Director of AT&T Mobility Solutions Services. In 2011, Elaine was the recipient of the Industry Career Achievement Award from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Conference for Women of Color. Outside of work, Elaine and her husband Dominic have been active in serving at local churches in teaching children and youths, coaching youths in serving and planning for college, sharing of parenting experiences, planning conferences that equip and motivate people to do their best at work. Elaine is anactive alumnus serving on the board and committees for Cornell and Princeton, including interviews with college applicants, hosting college fairs at local high schools, and chairing the Reunions Committee. Elaine has been happily married to Dominic since 1986, blessed with two wonderful children: Grace (working in NYC) and Christopher (new college graduate, to work in San Diego). They live in Basking Ridge, NJ.
PCE Club (www.pceclub.org) is hosting its 102nd monthly seminar on 5/12/2012. Mrs. Elaine Kung, a Cornell and Princeton graduate, who has over 25 years of experience working with children and teenagers, will talk about "Parents Communications with Teenagers in Building Positive Relationships". She will cover topics including: simple techniques to be a better listener; non-verbal communication; how to use body language; what teens really want to tell their parents about; conflict resolution skills that encourage honor; and many more. Parents, please come with your teenagers, so we can have some productive discussions.
When: 6:30-9:00pm, Saturday, 5/12/2012 (6:30~ 7pm is "Kids Talent Show" program, please register your child if you would like your child to participate this program, come on time.)
Where:YingHua International School, (inside Princeton Church of Christ)
33 River Road, Princeton, NJ 08540
Cost:Free to PCE paid members, $10 per family otherwise
Contact: Ming Xu( ***-***-8007,Min Huang(6096820332, minhuang360@yahoo.com) ,Lei Xu (***-***-4290, lxu2005@gmail.com)
Host: Kam Ferro & Christa Huang
We will have teachers to lead the kids program.